Chapter 31

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From the day I returned from Verd Hill, I was expecting a call back from mom once she was done with her work at Dio City. A day of waiting turned into days. Days turned into weeks, but I received no call from my home.

I enquired Mrs. Turner about it, and well she had some weird assumptions. That they don't want to take care of me and my children. It's too much for a simple family.

Though her thoughts could have possibly been true. It couldn't be the same for our family.

She has no idea who I am.

Thinking that mom would be just busy with Housden Corp I never doubted on her. But it was strange. As to why mom wouldn't even give me a call.

Now 34 weeks pregnant, I would frequently have new updates on my babies. And I would really like to share them with my mom.

But currently I resided in this apartment which was isolated. Many houses and building around it were empty. I came to know from the girls that this area was brought by some businessman for development.

By the girls, I meant the new freshmen from UPreg who worked at Mrs. Turner's shop. I visited the shop more often. And they kept me occupied. Recently Mrs. Turner sold her shop, and she was no longer their employer. So, I remain stuck in this empty apartment building.

I adored those girls. They would feel my babies. Jump with excitement after sensing them kick. And that made my days. One girl would like to capture my pictures and videos.

Using a cloth, I wiped the dining table as I wanted to keep myself occupied. That's when I spotted Mrs. Turner's phone. I wondered if she must have missed any calls.

Knowing she struggles from locks and won't keep any, I picked her phone, and swiped it open.

Going through the call logs, my eyes widen as I discerned my mom's contact in the history. It was a 45 seconds call after which Mrs. Turner blocked that number. Following it there were several random numbers which were in her block list.

Shocked knowing that Mrs. Turner kept me in dark, I yelped.

"Claudia!... Claudia!"

Mrs. Turner came out running from her room.

"What happen?"

But before I could interrogate her, I felt a striking pain hit my uterus. My body shuddered. And tripping down I grabbed my tummy. My surrounding went numb.

I heard footsteps nearing me and faint cries of Mrs. Turner call for me.

"Leona... Leona... My god...your water broke..."

Soon, I was rushed to the hospital.

Lying on the stretcher, I had Mrs. Turner and Dr. Griffin beside me. As Dr. Griffin left my side, I made a tight grip on Mrs. Turner's wrist. Trembling, I struggled to speak out.

"I-I know... M-Mom called... Y-You lied... Why?"

Her golden eyes just stared at me. She turned away leaving my side. I wanted to call for her but my pain was unbearable.

Copyright © 2024 Axsen

I never got my answer.

Now, in the delivery room I was trying to steady my breath. Dr. Griffin kept an eye on my contractions. Whenever I felt them, she commanded me to push with all my strength. My head was spinning, and the sounds around me were almost inaudible.

"It's crowning..." I heard her announce. "Leona... take a deep breath..." She instructed. "Now, push!"

Exhaling out, I pushed again.

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