Chapter 33

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Finally landing at Verd Hill, Venessa and I arrived to the hotel.

Tired from the long journey, we quickly went into our allotted rooms. I rested in my soft bed. Feeling nonchalant and comforted.

A lot has changed in these few years. Verd Hill has gone through so many improvements.

Now, there were more resorts and hotels available here. Verd Hill has become a hotspot for vacationers. People would come here to experience the bucolic beauty of nature. Plus, it finally got its own airport. Which made travelling here easier.

Dahlia, our schoolmate, and the host of this reunion, took care of accommodation and food. And booked this hotel for our reunion. Which is quite eloquent. As it is the only hotel that purely articulates Verd Hill.

Since Verd Hill has gone into urbanization I have checked upon newly established hotels and resorts. They are good. But most of their circumference lacks greens. The true beauty of Verd Hill. So, they didn't fancy the residents of Verd Hill that some of them even got shut down.

Even Housden Corp stepped up. However, unlike others we provided Verd Hill with a huge public park. Where people can hang out with their families, have picnics, and have a good time.

We made sure there would be no harm to our nature, and if we removed any plants or bushes it would be just to make benches or garbage spots. There were also food stalls inside the park. People from Verd Hill used this park to organize public events or as a hangout spot.

But we bought the land anonymously. So, no one has an idea of Housden Corp being involved in this.

Verd Hill has been our shelter. Our home. Our everything. And we don't think we need any recognition for endorsing into our hometown's development.

We knew what people in Verd Hill would favor, and so were able to amaze them. However, others didn't have this fortune, and that lead to their loss.

Then Dahlia mentioned about this new hotel which has been founded just a few years ago. I jumped upon the internet, looking for this place. And was astonished to see how much this place resonates Verd Hill.

With colorful plants surrounding the premises to bunch of birds chirping and flying around. This hotel had everything we residents of Verd Hill would like.

I was eager to know who was the owner of this place. Nonetheless, the owner bought this property anonymously. But I would appreciate their efforts.

Though I studied more about this place, and came to know it's been preferred by most of the tourist visiting here. And was marked as the best staycation spot in Verd Hill.

It came with facilities like garden, outdoor café and bar, spa, swimming and jacuzzi. Which were separate from the main building where the guests are supposed to stay.

There were three wings to accommodate the guest. East, center, and west. Each having 20 floors with 10 rooms on each floor. Then there was a huge rooftop connecting all the wings. Which would be used for events and occasions, or for exclusive dining. But only the center wing had an access to it.

If you are accommodated at the other wings, you will have to travel all the way to the center wing to get to the rooftop. Either way, Venessa and I were at the center wing so it was easy for us.

However, after a hectic and stressful week. I was finally here all carefree. So, I changed into my brown tank and beige pajamas, and decided to get a nap.

After what seems like a few whiles, I heard a knock on my door.

Yawning, I got off the bed. And opened the door to reveal a light brown head female. Gazing at me with glee in her grey eyes.

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