Chapter 9

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I received an early morning call from Venessa, the next day of the party. She was worried sick and pissed at Andrew for leaving me behind. Enquiring my whereabouts.

In fact, I found my girls again. This time without their boyfriends. So, we got to dance together all night long. Until Henry came, and put us in his car. He was sober, and dropped me first. Everything else remain fuzzy to me.

I just plopped on my bed and dozed off.

At present, just woken up by Venessa's call. I told her it was fine, and that I still got to enjoy the rest of my night. And got a ride back home. Still, she insisted on being apologetic on behalf of Andrew.

We chatted a little, but had to cut short as they were still at her friend's place.

Now that I was awake, I decided to remove my makeup, and cleanse my face. Then changing into my comfy clothes, I brushed my teeth, and put on my face serum. 

I went out to check on our locks, and pull down the drapes. Then spotted my purse and house keys just lying on the couch. 

Grabbing the purse, I scrutinize over my stuff. My wallet and other important materials were alright. 

Actually, there was something in my bag that wasn't mine. Pulling it out, I peered at it. Inspecting, where the hell did that come from. It looked like a business card. It is a business card. 

I gave it a closer look, and read out loud, "Keller Group... Keller Group? Why is this here?"

Realizing, my eyes popped open. And I almost shrilled. Placing that card on the table, and distancing myself from it.

"Oh god..." I murmured, heading back to my room.

Once on the bed, I lightly touched my lips.

So, that was real.

Copyright © 2024 Axsen

After staying at Andrew's for a few days, Venessa was back at our apartment. Andrew made us breakfast as a way to placate me. I got a few laughs out of that. Pretending to be extremely mad at him. He was so gullible that he took us out for lunch, and spent the whole day with us.

I resigned from my job at the ice cream shop. So, I had a lot of free time available. I am not a book lover, but I do read to pass time. While walking by a bookstore, I found this romance novel. And bought it.

Andrew left this morning. And Venessa was still dozed off in her room. So, I proceeded to read the book. At the same moment, my phone rang.

I saw the caller's name, and picked it up. Pressing it on my ear.

"Lioness!" I heard my little brother roar out loud. I giggled. 

He was alone at home. I guess mom was back at Grandio City.

She now took responsibility of Housden Corp alongside my grandfather. And would transfer money when I required. But there was a huge amount hoarded in my bank account from a very long time. That I barely asked for it.

"Hey... What's up? Missing me?" I grinned.

Stan usually doesn't call me. But today, he did.

"Yeah..." He mumbled. Followed by a faint chuckle. 

I pressed my lips as my thoughts went back to the old mesmerizing moments spent with our father. 

But today as we chatted, Stan confessed that he has also seen dad in his dreams. We had a prolonged discussion about that day. I was not the only one who hasn't got over the accident yet. My little brother too was traumatized by it, and decided to remain quiet for our mother.

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