Bloodied Hearts pt. 1

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I just don't know what went wrong. Everything changed on this one day. Not the day I met Mikey or even Foxy. Not that...

[10 Years Ago - 9:30 PM]

I cuddled my stuff animal, burying my face in its fur. He gave me comfort anytime that I'm scared, he's like my own personal guardian angel. I kept it special to me because my parents bought it for me at my last birthday.

My brother sat next to me, his arms tangled around my shoulders keeping me warm. My brother's fourteen years old do that makes him... Nine years older than me.

My room was dark, the lights turned off for some reason. He never told me why he did that, he just did. A shelf was to my right, some books sprinkled across it. They were filled with little pictures that told a story. It's a lot easier than reading the book my mother reads.

Speaking of my mother, that's why my brother is here. My friends told me on how they hate their siblings or how they're mean to them. I can't say that though because my mom told me that 'hate' is a bad word. I would never want to swear.

My mom also bought me a phone recently. She said I could only use it for calling her, especially not any boys. Even though I'm young she got me it because she doesn't want me to get lost. I started going to school on the public bus which is really scary. It's not the same that my mom isn't driving me to school anymore.

My brother's scent rafted through the room, making mine smell like his for some reason. A warm feeling spread across my forehead as my cheeks burned red. He pulled away and smiled still hugging me. I melted in to his hug, enjoying the warmth of his breath on my skin.

"Everything's going to be alright." He whispered, rubbing a hand on the back of my head. I smiled knowing that everything would be okay. If my brother said it then it's the truth. He never lies, ever.

The screams coming from downstairs didn't help though. My mom and dad were getting into another one of their fights. It happened ever so often and nobody got hurt. I was still scared though.

My teeth clattered against my mouth making a weird sound, and I was still shaking despite my brother cuddling me.

There is one window to my left that was currently closed. I was so dark outside that I couldn't see anything. There is no stars in the sky at the moment. That's one reason I wanted to live closer to the country. I love watching the stars twinkle and play with their star buddies. I bet they're having fun.

I had to grow up tough to live in this house, no crying allowed. Even though I'm only five I play a huge role here. I guess you could say I try to keep the family happy with everything that is going on in our lives.

I love my mom and dad, I truly do, but sometimes they can be mean. They hit me when I'm not doing something that they want me to, but the worse is when they take my stuff animals away from me. My brother always tries to get them back to me but sometimes he fails.

Curiosity tugged at my mind though, begging me to just peek down the stairs. I know my brother would want me to, but my mind is telling me.

A loud crash could be heard from downstairs, making me jump. All I got in return was my brother hugging me tighter. I just hope everybody is okay.

The tv was still on, buzzing quietly, replaying the scenes from today's baseball game. I don't like that sport anyway. I don't get how to play it. To me it just seems like a bunch of sweaty men running around a field doing nothing. People these days are so weird.

"Beatrice?" My brother whispered, his voice falling into my ears so only I can hear. I didn't move, didn't talk, or look his way. He knew that was his cue to keep talking, so that's exactly what he did.

"Can I tell you a secret? If I do you can't tall anyone!" He said keeping his cool. Later I'd find out that his voice was so tinged was nervousness that he could hardly talk. My brain couldn't comprehend emotions back then. I thought everything was okay. How stupid of me.

I nod my head excitedly. I love when my brother tells me secrets, they are always so cool because he's cool! He leaned in closer than usual and placed a warm kiss on my ear.

"You're my favorite person in the house!" He whispered yelled. My brain sped up, trying to get a hold of what he just said. Anyway I was excited that I was his favorite person, most people don't like him.

"Really?" I asked giving him a stern looking. I puffed out my chest to make myself look big. My mom told me to do this when I'm trying to say something important. She says it makes me look more professional.

He laughed, making the room ever so brighter. It even looked like my stuff animals were laughing along with him.

"Really" He answered and yawned. He shuffled around my bed, making it looked panicked.

"I'm going to check on Mom and Dad" Then without looking back he got off my bed and walked out the door. 

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