Chapter 5: Deep Conversations

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[A/N: Song in Media is kinda what Bonnie is going through. I remember this song from when I played Katawa Shoujo, and thought it would be a nice touch to the chapter. Play the track everytime Bonnie is deep in thought :) ]

Mikey smiled and we sat there in silence, not really saying anything to each other. I slowly ate my ice cream, trying to savor the time we had together. I could see him peeking at me every once in awhile, but every time he did I only ended up blushing. He was so cute!

A couple of minutes later he asked me if I was done eating. When I said I was he swiftly put me back in my wheelchair. We didn't start to move for awhile though, we just sat there and thought. I had no idea of what he was thinking about, but I knew what I was thinking.

Memories of his house floated back into my mind. Even though I was there not long ago, it felt an eternity. I could see that he no longer lived with his parents, correction, lived with his mom. He used to be rich, but that wasn't why I liked him. You could even see now that he lived in a run down house, he probably lost all connections to his family!

Then small thoughts kept peeking into my brain. They were trying to crawl inside my head and take over my mind. This man kidnapped me... 

But you love him! I reassured myself.

But he kidnapped me, end of discussion. Even though I declared that was the end of the discussion, my head kept on raging in a battle with the main focus on my Mikey. I loved him and that was obvious, but was it the right thing to do?

Foxy loved me also, and in a time I loved him back. Or did I? Was I just looking for a replacement to fill the hole in my heart? The hole that Mikey left when he left me? He told me why he was leaving, and it was a valid reason but it still upset me.

I was seventeen right now, but on that rainy day in the park where I found Mikey crying and hurting himself. I couldn't see him like that, I simply couldn't. I had to help him and what I did made him feel better. No one else could do that for him.

I did get hurt in the process, but I was willing to hurt myself to help him. He went through a bunch of hard things in his life and I know he wouldn't kidnap me without a real reason. He was probably going through another rough time and needed my help.

Then why didn't he come back for you before if he really loved you? A real man wouldn't just come to you when he needs help! He would be by your side for as long as he can be there, and that's what exactly Foxy was doing.

Salt filled tears began to run down my cheeks, but I couldn't do anything about it. I've never have this happened before. I usually only liked one person, but now I was split between two. Both people cared about me, even though everything pointed towards Mikey not caring. I knew he cared about me at heart though... There's no way he didn't.

Foxy on the other hand I dind't know too long. I met him a couple of months ago, but ever since I did he has been with me. I even heard that he was taking all nighters at the hospital, waiting to see me. Mikey has never done that for me... He wasn't even the one that saved me, but I spent more time with him then Vincent.

I gnawed on my lips a little bit, still deep in thought. Mikey had his hand on my shoulder again, and my body warmed at his touch. I certainly liked being touched by him, maybe even in that way someday, but definitely not now. I wasn't that perverted.

My mind ended up going back to Foxy. He was a nice guy with his amazing personality, he was surely the only person I met like that before. He just wasn't... Something... I couldn't think of how to describe it, he just wasn't doing something that Mikey was doing. Then there was the way that Mikey was doing this thing. He was definitely doing it correctly, even so damn well like he had practice. Maybe with his father? He was a ladies man for sure, but I was glad to have him all to myself.

I snapped out of my reverie as the sound of a loud engine awoke me. We were back in Mikey's car... When did we even get here? And how long was I out for?

"You've been spaced out for awhile, Bonnie" He said concerned, deciding to face me before pulling out of the parking space.

His eyes were drooped downwards and so were his eyebrows. He kinda looked like a sad puppy dog that wanted attention. I felt bad for even seeing him like this. There's no way there could even be a hint of malicious intent in this man.

With one hand still on the steering wheel he looked in the rear view mirror and backed out of the now open space. With the road in head of us and, the day still being young, we decided to go to another place of significance. We didn't have many places that we liked to go to, so we both knew where were going next. He dind't even have to ask me where I wanted to go!

The familiar streets paced by one by one, as I counted how many we had to go.

"Main... 5th... 6th..." I slowly whispered under my breath. You could say that I was acting like a little kid, but tell me how you would react if you were going to one of your favorite places with your boyfriend.


That was a strong word and technically I used that with Foxy also. I remember when he asked me out and I said yes. I was pretty happy at the time and it was clear he was also. How could I let him down like this? 

My heart was ripping into different pieces, some taking Team Foxy and the others taking Team Mikey. I was still leaning a bit closer to Mikey's side, but something huge could still change my mind.

Like I mentioned previously, something wanted me to stick with Foxy. It was trying to convince me to go back with him and leave Mikey. It kept putting up different ideas, and finally I could tell it got really desperate.

As long as you see him again it will be fine. Just... You need to see him again.

That's something I could do, but how would I even find him? It would be somewhat impossible to pick him out in this town of thousands of people. I didn't even have his phone number... Sure the hospital probably has it, but I don't. How could I ask him to move in with me if I don't even know his phone number?

On the other hand I know a lot about Mikey. We were friends for a much longer time, and we exchanged a lot of things. These simple things I never did with Foxy. If I loved him so much then how could I be so stupid!

I loved Mikey, but Foxy still had a place in my heart. Wherever it was it was still trying hard to crawl back up into the spotlight. Love was so difficult! Why couldn't I just love both of them? In the olden days kings had many wives, why couldn't that still happen?

Because its gross and unnatural! Your only suppose to marry one person, not two or three.

My mind did have a point to be honest. Marrying two or three people at a time did seem gross. People did re-marry, but that just seemed liked you never liked the second person. If you really loved them why did you marry the first guy?

I was happy with Mikey, I told myself but really I was just an idiot. How could someone fall in love with two people? Or was I even in love with these guys? My heart and mind could just be playing a stupid joke that isn't funny anymore.

People like me didn't deserve to be with someone like Mikey or Foxy. They were both nice and kind people, but with me in their lives all I would do is make it worse. Before I know those two will meet and end up fighting over me. I NEVER want that to happen. I don't want any of them getting hurt because of me.

Its my fault... This is all my fault... If I even see Foxy again it would only cause more trouble for Mikey. He was bound to find out.

How did I start out so happy today then get so depressing? I'm probably just a depressing person, there has to be a reason why these guys like me. It couldn't just be because of my personality or something. What is this was just some stupid bet between them? What if they were laughing their asses off at me right now...

If I committed suc-

"We're here!" Mikey shouted, putting the car in parked mode. In front of us was an old movie theater, complete with a huge red and yellow sign on the front of the building. It was two stories high, but from what I remember most of the action happened on the second floor.

Well it looks like I'm going to have to endure it for now...

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