Chapter 9: Comfort

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“Do you miss him?” The piece of paper was still clenched in my hand, ripping a little bit from the force. The writing on it was old and disappearing. The old thing wasn’t in good shape either. It was losing its purple color, turning into a light white. Memories…

“Yeah, a lot actually.” I didn’t mind when people asked about my brother, especially Wolfie. He always seemed to have so many questions, and most of the time I can’t keep up.

Secret sits in the corner, his hands folded over one another. The kid never really smiled, the most you got out of him was blushing. That describes him in one go.

Foxy’s to my right, smiling like a madman. Not a demented kind, a good kind. He died his air red, even though it already was. He just wanted it to be “redder”.

Wolfie’s diagonal to Secret, directly in front of me if you want to be technical. He grew his hair out a little, now curling around his shoulders.

Except for Wolfie’s persistent questions, we really didn’t talk much. There wasn’t anything interesting going on in our lives anymore. Mikey left for good, (I don’t want to talk about it) and Freddy and Chica moved in together. I’ve visited them a couple of times, but we never did anything special. It was just plain boring.

When Secret and Wolfie are over, I usually just watch them. They’re an interesting couple really. One’s really shy and almost never talks, and the other is really outgoing and funny. Not saying Secret isn’t funny, he has his moments.

Foxy and I still haven’t gone on an official “date”, and to be honest I’m not sure if he’s going to ask me. Technically we’re dating and all, but it doesn’t feel like it. I would ask him to go somewhere but I’m scared to.

Wolfie suggested going on a double date with him and Secret, but I want to be alone. A night with Foxy and I by ourselves. The two have gotten used to Foxy, meeting Mike first, and they actually like him.

“Time…” Secret whispered, the words barely escaping his lips. He sounds more like what I would think a ghost would sound like. A smart kid stuck in a shy vessel body, it’s a shame really. I like him the way he is though.

Wolfie suddenly stood up, wiping off the invisible dust particles on his pants. His white shirt went a little bit below his waist, which covered the belt of his pants. 

“Well Bonnie, Foxy, we got to go!” Wolfie grabbed Secret’s hand and rushed him out the door, leaving behind a puff of smoke. The two left so quickly you’d think that they were running a marathon.

The room was quiet, strangely quiet. Foxy and I sat side by side, in my three room apartment. At the moment we’re in the living room, and across from that is the kitchen. To my immediate left is my bedroom. I told Foxy that he could sleep in my room, all we needed was another bed, but he persisted to sleep on the couch.

I wanted to say something, anything to break the silence. It was getting way too much for me, actually slowly driving me insane.

“Wanna go get breakfast tomorrow? IHop’s havin’ a sale.” I said, finally getting over my fears. I didn’t think he as going to say no, but it’s still scary to ask sometimes.

He ended up nodding, his eyes longly looking into the kitchen. He still doesn’t eat much, but when he’s hungry… He’ll eat the whole apartment.

“Sure, but let’s focus on getting something to eat right now.” He jumped off the couch, leaving me still sitting. Foxy usually does the cooking, I kinda suck at it.

“Want do you want to eat?” He called out from the kitchen. His voice bounced around the walls of this place. It has a weird echo, and can honestly get on my nerves. 

I thought about my choices for a second. We had some leftover spaghetti from the night before, but that didn’t sound good, or even edible. We had some variety of meats including pork, beef, and steak. I didn’t want to eat any of that, especially the pork. I’m not taking my chances with Trichinosis worms.

“Want some pizza?” His voice stated from the kitchen. Hmm… Pizza. We got some a couple days ago, but we kept it in the refrigerator so it should be okay. My mouth started to water at the thought, that actually sounded good right now.

“Yeah! Make sure that one slice is 45 and two is 1:15.” I shouted, cupping my hands around my mouth for emphasis. I had specific rules for microwaving food. If my food is too hot or cold, someone’s going to be hurt. I don’t mess around with food, people!

On the thought of pizza though. It’s not really romantic, but it sounded good anyway. I find myself wanting to do something with Foxy, but this just seems more comfortable. It’s more fun just to sit here and watch the Big Bang Theory then going out to some fancy restaurant. 

My voice, nowadays, gets hoarse from laughing with Foxy at my sides. Then we indulged on all of the ice cream we can find. It honestly feels good to do that. I’d rather have it more than him taking me out to do something else. Home is home after all.

“Here you go.” Foxy placed down a plastic paper plate, the edges creased to make a pattern. A steaming piece of pepperoni pizza was placed atop of it, just the kind I like.

I didn’t even notice when it was done cooking. I should’ve at least heard the beeping sound of the microwave finishing its job. I must’ve been pretty zoned out.

He grabbed the tv remote that laid on the air of the couch. It was a long black thing with a million buttons on it. The one at the top was larger and red, and that’s exactly the one he clicked.

The tv hummed to life, not without a little static of course. It was turned on to the news and a very bored looking anchorman.

I grabbed the crust of the pizza and the tip bent downwards. I shoved the front in my mouth and tried to chug the thing down, if thats even possible. 

The taste floated around in my mouth. There wasn’t much cheese, the pepperoni took care of that. Then, sadly it went down my throat to be dissolved by the acids in my stomach. It lived a short life, a feel like I need to hold a funeral.

Meanwhile the station was turned to Modern Family. What made this show interesting was how it was suppose to be a fake reality show. I’m not sure if you can call them forth wall breaks but it’s amusing.

“I love doing this with you Bonnie…” Foxy whispered. I’m not sure why he’s whispering it, but he is. 

“Same here.” He finished wolfing down his pizza, now wiping his mouth with his sleeve. Hey! He’s not perfect, but he’s my Fox.

A yawn eded up escaping my mouth and I stretched one hand into the air. It was really getting late. I sneaked a peek at the microwave and it was somehow already eleven o’clock. 

“I think I’m going to go to bed.” I said and got off the couch. I didn’t need to finish my food. Foxy would probably eat it anyway.

“Get a good night’s sleep love!” He said, a bit enthusiastically. 

I finished the steps it took to get into my room and closed my door. Shutting it softly so all you can hear is the low hum of the tv. I’m not sure what Foxy’s going to do, but I just hope that he’ll get some asleep as well.

My bed’s a small one, fit only for one. It’s not a lot but it’s all I need. The covers cradled my hips, keeping me warm. It’s a nice feeling to have this here, it’s like Foxy’s in the same room with me.

The weight of my eyelids felt heavier than usually. I closed them for one last time. Getting ready to have the same nightmares as always.

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