Chapter 10

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The deputy director knows that he is willing to play the substitute. He is happy to let the staff take him to the dressing room immediately. When he is ready to make a look, he will nod his head.

The director came over and was very satisfied. He followed the finger on a play, let the assistant director teach him, and then took a look at the effect.

Jiang Yutou once wore ancient costumes and happily ran back to Lin Cheng. As a result, he stepped on his clothes and almost fell.

"Slow down slowly." Lin Cheng looked at him with fear and fear, "I will say it will be dangerous."

Jiang Yuxi laughed and quickly followed the deputy director to learn the scenes to be filmed.

The assistant director taught him to move and move. He learned things very quickly and will do it again and again. Waiting until the filming, it is not ng over and over again.

The director and the deputy director were very surprised. They thought that he didn't have the shooting experience. It took a lot of effort to teach. He didn't expect him to be so soon.

In the next few days, Jiang Yue performed very well. He learned things quickly and had a good comprehension ability. As long as he talked to him again, he understood how to play, and he played like a decent, and he was invested more than the crew. The newcomers who come in are much better.

This day is a fight scene, to fly Wei Yafei to fly, it is a difficult part of the substitute. Jiang Yue followed the martial arts instruction for a while, and adapted to Wei Ya for a while, and began to shoot.

The first time I was not used to it, ng once, and the second time I got used to it. The movement of the sword was flowing, and with his clean and refreshing young swordsman shape, the role of the second man in the play.

"This kid is really good, it is a pity that he is a successor." The director sat behind the display and exclaimed.

The deputy director agreed to nod. "It’s a good seedling for a play. It’s a pity that young actors rarely see such aura."

When they finished, they realized that Lin Cheng was sitting next to him, staring at the display screen. The director and the deputy director are a bit stunned and uncomfortable. The artists who are a little famous in the circle are very proud. Especially the artists who play the same role do not like to be compared for comparison, let alone just a For the substitute, it is better than playing for himself. Even if it is a cousin, it is difficult to keep Lin Cheng unhappy.

Seeing Lin Cheng has been staring at the display with a sullen face. The director’s heart is awkward and not really unhappy. Although Lin Cheng’s performance is not as good as his cousin, but his reputation is very popular, his fans are numerous, and he is also pointing to him. Half of the audience can be offended.

After the play in the field was over, the director called the card and let the rest take a while. Then he coughed a little and was about to explain to Lin Cheng. Jiang Yu took a long hem and went down from the field to Lin Cheng. He asked: "How is my performance?"

Lin Cheng laughed and reached out and grabbed his hair. He said with joy: "You are not surprised that you will be acting. Just now the director and the deputy director praised you."

Jiang Yu smiled embarrassedly. He went to the dressing room to change clothes and remove makeup. Lin Cheng turned the wheelchair and followed him. He muttered: "You just flew with Wia and flew to worry about dying, for fear of another accident. You also fall."

The director was relieved, but fortunately the two brothers had a good relationship, no dissatisfaction, great.

In the evening, I received the work and went back to the hotel. Zheng Ming went out to buy dinner. Lin Cheng and Jiang Yu leaned on the sofa while watching TV while eating ice cream. Lin Cheng thoughtfully asked: "You are happy, do you like acting?"

Jiang Yue eyes on the TV, and a spoonful of ice cream in his hand is fed into his mouth, vaguely saying: "Like it, it's quite fun."

Lin Cheng then asked: "Would you like to enter the entertainment industry to film? I found that you can't sing, it's quite talented in acting."

“Entering the entertainment circle?” Jiang Yu sneaked a little, biting his spoon and moving his body. He accidentally touched the TV remote control. The channel that originally put the TV series jumped to the financial channel. A group of reporters on TV were chasing several suits. The man asked the question, and he suddenly saw the man who was surrounded by the middle, the tallest and most handsome.

"You?" Seeing that he suddenly stared at the TV and didn't talk, Lin Cheng reached out and shook in front of him.

"Cheng Cheng, it is him..." Jiang Yu extended his finger to the man on the TV and turned to look at Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng looked at the direction of his fingers. After a while, he narrowed his eyes. "...the cruise ship and the man in the hallway of the clubhouse a few days ago?!"

Jiang Yuqi’s lips nodded.

Lin Cheng's gaze became complicated, and the sputum of the fish in the belly of the child was actually the Qin of the Qin Group. The Qin General, who came back from abroad four years ago, was a huge investment mistake in the successive years of the Qin Group. In addition, the long-term mismanagement was on the verge of bankruptcy. It was the sudden arrival of Qin, who only spent a year. It turned the tide and saved the Qin Group back.

The Qin Group has many industries. It aimed at the entertainment market two years ago and established Star Shadow Media. Fang Wei was the first artist they signed.

Although Star Shadow Media was only two years old, but relying on the strong background of the Qin Group, it has dug a lot of artists from other entertainment companies. His Haiyin Entertainment has been dug up several legitimate and Just an entertainer.

This Qin general, should not be able to approach it casually. The last time I met in the corridor of the clubhouse, it was Yu’s luck. If you want to continue to get the items around him, according to the current situation of the child, it seems that only enter the entertainment circle.

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