Chapter 11

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Jiang Yu’s entry into the entertainment circle was fixed. When Zheng Ming bought dinner, Lin Cheng said to him: "Zheng Ge, you are not trying to make you happy. Into the entertainment circle? He promised."

Although Star Shadow Media is the company under the name of Qin, but the entertainment industry is too complicated, there are all sorts of things, he is not worried about Jiang Yuyi, in the same company can look after, he is also assured.

After listening to the glasses, Zheng Ming thought about Jiang Yudao: "I will find a suitable agent for you."

He is familiar with the music market, and he has to concentrate on Lin Cheng. According to Jiang Yu's looks and acting talents, he needs a broker who is more familiar with the performing arts market.

Zheng Ming’s movement was very fast. He contacted people that night. The next day, he and Lin Cheng were watching Jiang Yue’s filming on the sidelines. The mobile phone rang. He took a look and said to Lin Chengdao: “Give your cousin The agent I am looking for is here, I will go out and pick it up."

After waiting for a while, I saw Zheng Ming and a woman who seemed to be in her thirties and had a short hair and came in. Lin Cheng knows that woman, is a company's highly qualified gold medal agent, called Yan Shu, very eye-catching, only the artist who looks at her eyes. In her hand, an artist called Qiao Mo, a red hot youth drama a year ago, was originally developed very well in the company, but suddenly a few months ago and the company to cancel the Star Shadow Media.

"Strict sister." When Yan Shu came to the near, Lin Cheng greeted her.

Yan Shu nodded to him, his eyes fell on the field being photographed, Jiang Yu, who was fighting with the sword and the people, his eyes flashed a glimmer of attention, focusing on his performance on the court.

Zheng Ming and her are colleagues for many years, and they are familiar. When she looks at her expression, she knows that Jiang Yu is in her eyes and smiles and says: "This child is called Jiang Yu, Cheng Cheng cousin, just finished the college entrance examination. Already grown up, how is it worse than the artists you used to be?"

Yan Shu looked at Jiang Yu on the field and didn't turn around and asked: "He didn't learn to perform?"

Lin Chengdao: "No, Yu Er just came out from home to find me, I have never learned anything. My leg was injured. He only took pictures for me a few days ago."

It took a few days to behave like a decent. Yan Shu’s eyes stared at Jiang Yu, and he looked up and down on him. She never used this half-way artist to go out because she didn’t understand anything. It’s too much trouble to teach. But the child looks good and understands. High, but it can be an exception.

"This kind of good child introduced me to me, and I will invite you to dinner with Cheng Cheng." Yan Shu mouth with a smile, turned his head and said.

"Nature is to eat. He is a cousin of Cheng Cheng. In the future, we are afraid that we will cooperate frequently." Zheng Ming’s mouth is also full of smiles. Yan Shu has a wide network of contacts in the circle, and she has a relationship with Cheng Cheng. Future developments are of great benefit. Just under her hand, Joe Mo suddenly canceled the appointment to Star Shadow Media. She had no artist, Jiang Yu signed it, and the future exchange of resources was easier.

"After that, I have to take care of it." Yan Shuwen smiled, Lin Cheng's current reputation, no matter who he is, is a very worthy partner, plus the unexpectedly beautiful child, her heart was these days The suffocation of Joe's betrayal was swept away.

Jiang Yu came down from the field and saw a short-haired woman next to Lin Cheng and Zheng Ming. He screamed Yan Jie according to the instructions of Lin Cheng, and saw the woman looked at him with satisfaction, and he I exchanged the contact information and left.

"Yan sister is your agent afterwards." Lin Cheng told him.

Jiang Yu hasn't finished the filming of Lin Cheng's substitute. Yan Shu is ready to wait for him to finish shooting and then sign with him. Jiang Yu did not have an ID card. Signing a contract was a big problem, but fortunately, Lin Cheng had experience. At this time when he had not signed the contract, he secretly asked someone to give Jiang Yu a fake ID card.

The injury on Lin Cheng’s leg was actually good for a few days, but in order not to be surprising, he pretended not to be good. He waited until Jiang Yu took the substitute’s play and passed it for almost half a month before revealing it. It’s good to have his injury and he can make another film.

The crew of the crew, including Zheng Ming and the doctor at the hospital, have no doubts, only when he is a young man to recover quickly.

Hearing that Jiang Yu had finished the film, Yan Shu came over and signed a contract with him. After signing the contract, Jiang Yu is the artist of her team. She has to go back with her and can't stay in the crew.

Lin Cheng handed over the keys to Jiang Yu, and stunned him a few words, and said with Yan Shu: "Strict sister, Yu Er and me, are from the township, the hometown is closed, and there are many things in the city. I know that Lao Yan’s sister takes care of him.”

Yan Shu glanced at Jiang Yu and saw him cleverly standing on the side and nodded: "Do not worry, I will."

"Cheng Cheng, I am leaving." Jiang Yu and Lin Cheng waved goodbye.

Yan Shu drove Jiang to return to Lin Cheng’s apartment, let him go to the company at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, and left him downstairs.

Lin Cheng lived on the eighth floor. Jiang Yu only looked at the elevator. He decisively pushed open the door next to the safe passage, carrying the box in his hand and squatting upstairs. On the floor, a sweat came out. He opened the door with the key and took out the clothes in the box. The stomach was hungry.

Lin Cheng will not cook, the kitchen utensils are new. Jiang Yu will not cook, but fortunately, the family has a lot of instant noodles. Jiang Yu, who had taught before Lin Cheng, burned hot water and soaked a bucket of noodles. After eating, he gave a phone call to Lin Cheng. Reporting peace.

Since he landed on the bank, Jiang Yu was staying with Lin Cheng, and this is the first time he has been alone. He took a shower and watched TV for a while, then turned over and over in bed for a while before falling asleep.

At 7 o'clock the next morning, he woke up. After washing down the stairs and eating breakfast outside the community, he taught according to Lin Cheng last night, learned to pass by the passers-by, and took a car to the Haiyin Entertainment Building.

When I arrived at the entrance of the building, I just met Yan Shu. He was busy with the elevator and entered the elevator.

On the way up the elevator, Yan Shu glanced back and saw Jiang Yue clutching the armrests tightly. Out of the elevator, she asked: "First time taking the elevator?"

Jiang Yu shook his head, "the third time."

"Get used to it a few times." Seeing his little face was white, Yan Shu reached out and rubbed his head, Wen Sheng said.

Jiang Yu did not learn to perform. The only experience was the half-month substitute. The first thing that Yan Shu signed Jiang Yu was to find a teacher for him to learn to perform and walk.

Yan Shu sent him to the door of a practice room, and spoke to the teacher inside, and left. Jiang Yu stayed in the practice room for a few days. He was still not used to taking the elevator. If the floor was not too high, he would rather climb the stairs.

On this day, he came out of the practice room and walked to the elevator door. He was stopped by two people who came out from inside.

"You are the newcomer signed by Yan Jie?" On the left is a young man with white hair dyed, looking up and down with arrogance and looking provocative.

Outside the community, a new grilled fish shop was opened. The taste was particularly good. Jiang Yu once had a meal and he never missed it. He rushed back to eat the grilled fish, and then there was no place in the store, and after a sigh of relief, he bypassed the two. The elevator.

When he saw him, he didn't look at himself. The young man's nose was very angry. He yelled at the assistants around him. "Give me a look at what he is doing, and dare to ignore me."

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