Chapter 18

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Lin Cheng saw him say half of it and asked, "Have you bought it?"

"...nothing." He licked his lips, and Fang Hao had already left. The car at the door was definitely not there. He didn't have their contact information. The cake would not come back.

"Go, I will take you to eat late at night. A few days ago, a new prawn pavilion was opened on the street. The oily prawns are fresh and tender, delicious and delicious." Lin Cheng thought of it and swallowed water. Said.

Hearing the oily prawns, Jiang Yu also swallowed his throat and immediately threw the little cake behind his head and went outside with Lin Cheng.

At the gate of the studio, Fang Hao opened the front door, and when he saw it, he threw a few thick scripts in his hand and threw it at the seat. Then he opened the rear door and sat in it. He complained to Qin Shen, "There are investors who want to go to the drama." The screenwriter has changed some scripts and has to re-interpret the lines, which is really annoying."

Qin Shen stretched his hand and pressed his hair upside down. Wen Wen asked, "Would you like me to tell your director?"

"This little thing is not needed." Fang Yan shook his head indifferently and touched his stomach. "I am hungry, take me to eat."

From the restaurant, the party returned to the hotel, a few hundred meters away from the hotel, Fang Hao quickly called: "Hey, Lin Shu, just parked on the roadside here."

He looked around the window and shouted: "The last time I was photographed, I didn't know who you are. Those reporters might still be nearby."

Seeing him as a thief, Qin Shen reluctantly said: "Oh, let Lin Shu send you to the hotel door, even if a reporter photographed, I will deal with it."

"That trouble, I got off here, my assistant has come." Seeing his assistant came over from the hotel, Fang Hao opened the car and got off the bus. Lin Shu handed the script from the passenger seat to him from the window.

"Brother, I am leaving." Fang Wei waved his hand to Qin Shen, stuffed the script into the assistant's arms, took a hat mask and put it in his hands and walked to the hotel.

"Young master, this seems to be the guy who just fell." When Lin Shu took the script, he found a small cake wrapped in a delicate carton next to the seat. Some of the pressed cakes were flat. When they were opened, the cake inside was not finished. It looks like it.

"Young master, what has been done?" Lin Shu showed him.

Qin Shen frowned slightly, "throw it."

On the way back, after passing a traffic light intersection, Lin Shu stopped and passed the pedestrians. Qin Shen looked out the window, there was a cake shop on the side of the road. After watching it, the car underneath slowly started. He suddenly said, "Stop to the side of the road."

Uncle Lin parked the car to the side of the road. Qin Shen got off the bus without saying anything. He took a long leg and went to the cake shop. Pushing open the glass door, the wind chime on the door rang, and the two waitresses at the counter were sweet and sweet: "Welcome."

Qin Shen went to the counter and looked down at the cakes displayed inside. All kinds of cakes were very beautiful and beautiful. His gaze first fell on and crushed the little cake that was somewhat like, and the light brushed to a small cake next to it and settled.

"This, take one." He extended his slender index finger and ordered a glass counter.

The two waitresses stared at him in a daze, and when he looked up at them, they reacted and blushing and said: "Okay."

Early the next morning, I went to the studio. Xiaofang found a parking space and was about to park the car. Suddenly, I inserted a car and stopped in.

"No quality." Xiaofang snorted and could only find another parking space.

After stopping the car, Jiang Yu and he came down from the car, just as Chen Rui and his assistant came out from the car that had just entered the team. Chen Rui glanced at Jiang Yu and took the assistant to the front of them.

Since Gu Zecheng came to visit the class yesterday, Chen Rui’s face has been poor. Jiang Yu’s thoughts are simple, not in the heart, but Xiaofang has been in the circle for many years. He has been used to the tricks of those stars who are jealous and jealous. He whispered to Jiang, “You have a few opponents with him today, and watch out when you shoot. Some, I am worried that he will perine you."

Jiang Yu nodded and got a snack.

The film to be filmed today is about the woman’s going out and being accidentally rescued by the male owner. Jiang Yu’s little prince is going to find the woman, thinking that the slave of the man is not good for the woman, and pulling out the sword will go forward. Cut the male hero to save the United States, Chen Rui played the male master jumped out to block, the two hit.

The shooting in front was very smooth. When the two of them were playing, Chen Ruiyi should have cut the sword to Jiang Yu’s left shoulder. Jiang Yu blocked it with a sword, then slammed it over and turned Chen Ruiqi to the ground and then used the sword. To his neck.

However, when shooting, Chen Rui’s sword was not cut to Jiang Yu’s left shoulder, but stabbed his lower abdomen. Fortunately, before I had a snack, Jiang Yu was able to escape.

"Card, Chen Rui, your action is wrong." Lin Zhen picked up the horn and shouted.

Chen Ruichao apologized and smiled. "Sorry for the director, remembering the wrong move." Looking back at Jiang Yu, his eyes are full of provocations.

Jiang Yu stretched his hand and held his lower abdomen, clutching his lip and looking at him.

"Xiaojiang, is it okay?" Lin Zhen came over and asked, Jiang Yu shook his head.

"First go to the side of the field to rest for a while." Lin Zhen let him go to rest, and let Chen Rui go to the martial arts guide to learn the movement.

"This kid, really makes the Yin move." Xiao Fang came over to Jiang Yu to hand the water, sly.

Jiang Yu did not speak. He took a sip of water and sat down on the chair by the side of the field. With a cover of his large costume, his fingers gently touched his lower abdomen. Chen Rui may just want to vent his anger, but it almost hurts the fish eggs in his stomach.

His temper has always been very good, and he will not care much about other people's offenses, but it does not mean that he is bullied.

After a break, continue to take the scene just now. The two found the position on the field, and Chen Rui’s sword in his hand swayed and waved. Jiang Yu was not annoyed, only gently called him, "Chen Rui."

Chen Ruiyi, he heard Jiang Yu talking, but he didn't know that his voice was so clear and soft, and his heart was like a crisp, with a temptation that he could only listen to him. The voice is sinking.

Chen Rui’s indulgence, the next shot was a mess. It’s not that the game hasn’t reacted to the opening of the game. It’s just that when I’m playing, I’m not willing to raise my sword to Jiang’s body. Not difficult to play, but three times and four times ng, Lin Zhenqi's face is green, let him go back to the soul and then shoot.

When he got to the court, he was still a look of blasphemy. The surrounding staff were curious to see him. The little party looked straight and listened to Jiang Yu’s ear: "How did he get rid of the medicine?"

"...hey. What is the medicine?" Jiang Yu asked aloud.

Although his voice was not big, it was not small. The staff around him heard it and looked at Chen Rui’s eyes strangely.

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