Chapter 26

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Qin Yunshan laughed: "Sometimes intuition is quite accurate. Your colleague, it sounds like it is not simple, since you think he is cheating you, later It's a little farther away from him, and the province's people are counted."

Jiang Yu nodded, watching the sky was a bit gloomy, as if it was going to rain, said: "Ye... Mr. Qin, it's going to rain, let's go in."

Qin Yunshan looked up at the sky and stood up from the bench, suddenly "squeaking". Jiang Yue quickly helped him. "What happened to you?"

"Nothing. When I climbed the mountain a few days ago, my waist twisted." Qin Yunshan waved his hand and was helped by Jiang Yuzhen to go to the building. He sighed: "You have to send me back."

Jiang Yu smiled. "It doesn't matter, Mr. Qin Lao."

"Now it is rare to see you so enthusiastic good boy." Going to the door of the building, several nurses and carers greeted him. Qin Yunshan waved them to follow them, and said to Jiang Yudao: "Don't call Qin Qin, so polite, Call my grandfather like the beginning."

Jiang Yuchao bent his eyes, "Grandpa Qin."

"Hey." Qin Yunshan said with a happy voice, sighing in his heart, such a sly child, why not his grandson, he has two grandchildren, but one will only control him, one is better than no, lift it up It makes people angry.

Jiang Yu went back to the crew and originally made up his mind that he no longer had too much contact with Qiao Mo. However, Yan Shu called him that night. "You go to the hospital to see Joe Mo?"

Jiang Yu was surprised. He did not tell Yan Shu about his visit to Joe Mo. How did she know?

"Go and see Weibo." Yan Shu finished the sentence and hung up the phone.

Jiang Yu's Weibo was opened when he first received the drama. The fans were less than 50,000. More than half of them were small zombies to buy the zombie powder. The rest of the small fans are all attracted by the makeup of the crew.

He will not send Weibo, and Xiaofang is taking care of it. The latest Weibo is the first day of the location, and Xiaofang's photo of his sleeping in the car. At that time, there were only a few hundred comments. When I went in and read it again, the comments were almost over 10,000.

Jiang Yu points to comment, all of the water is thank you for taking care of their brother.

... Who are their brothers? Jiang Yuzheng, Xiaofang ran in from the door and took a mobile phone to show him: "You are a child, Joe Mo made a photo of Zhang Yutang, saying that you went to the hospital to see him, and Aite had you."

Jiang Yu knew this. The original comments were all fans of Joe Mo.

Xiao Fang did not understand: "What is this for Joe?"

Going to see him is not only Jiang Yu, but Joe Mo only took Jiang Yu Aite out. The two of them belong to different companies, they are dead and there is a strict Shu, and there is no reason for Joe Mo to do this.

Xiao Fang did not understand, Jiang Yu did not understand. Yan Shu's phone came over again. "Look?"

Jiang Yudao: "Look. Yan Jie, is this a good thing?" He was a little uneasy.

Yan Shujing said quietly: "No."

It's too difficult for a newcomer in the circle to come out. It's a good thing to have a red star like Joe Mo. However, Jiang Yu is not an ordinary newcomer. He has his own agent and a cousin of Lin Cheng. Together with his outstanding face and talented acting, even if there is no exposure in the early stage, as long as this drama Out, it will definitely be red.

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