Chapter 59

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The blood of the big group was opened on the sea, and then it was calm. Jiang Yu climbed onto the boat and was about to stretch his hand. Lin Lu suddenly changed his face. "There is a boat coming."

"You are leaving soon." The ship in the distance broke through the thick fog and quickly drove over here. It was too late for Lalin to board the ship. Jiang Yue hurryed.

"I went ashore and went back to see." Lin Cheng nodded to him, and Yunyun was eaten. He had to have evidence. Several people left the sharks and soon disappeared into the deep sea.

Jiang Yu entered the cab and watched the sailor's eyes wake him up. The shipper first stunned, then saw the shark in front of the ship and fell to the ground in a scary manner.

Jiang Yu didn't care for him. He came out of the cab. The ship in the distance had already driven to the front. The person standing at the bow was Qin Shen. He still had a river in his arms.

Seeing the sharks in front of Jiang Yu’s cruise ship, Qin Shen’s body was tight and he couldn’t think too much. People put the two boats together, and they said to the wet Jiang Yan: “Come here.”

Without waiting for Jiang Yu’s action, the sailor who fell to the ground had already climbed up, and the fart rushed to the Qinshen ship. Their small cruise ship was turned over by a shark, and Qin Shen’s boat was much stronger, and the horsepower was running fast.

In fact, there is no threat to sharks. They are small partners of their people in the sea. When they are there, they will not attack people. However, seeing Qin Shen so nervous, Jiang Yu also quickly followed the ship to the Qin Shen ship. Qin Shen stared at the shark not far away. There was no movement on the sea. There seemed to be no plan for them to start.

The river is noisy to see the shark's little friends, and the excitement is screaming. Qin Shen’s full attention was on Jiang Yu’s body, and he did not notice the troubled children in his arms.

Qin Shen took Jiang Yu’s hand and pulled him to the boat. The boat quickly started, and the shark moved to say goodbye to Jiang Yu and Jiang. The man who boarded the ship before Jiang Yu had been staring at the shark with a harpoon. When he saw the shark moving, the string in his heart broke instantly, and the harpoon in his hand threw it straight toward the shark.

The shark was not prepared, and was irritated by the harpoon. When the waves broke, they swam toward the ship.

Jiang Yu screamed in his heart that the shark had hit the ship. It’s okay for him and the river to fall into the sea. The target of the shark is the three humans on the ship. Other people can't control it, but Qin Shen, he can't let Qin Shen have an accident.

The person who threw the harpoon hid in the cabin. There were only a few people on the deck, and the target of the shark naturally fell to Qin Shen. Qin Shen firmly guarded the river in his arms, and Jiang Yu wanted to enter the cabin. At this moment, the sharks slammed into the ship and the huge waves rushed toward the three. Seeing the waves coming, Qin Shen will be rushed into the sea. Jiang Yu forced Qin Shen to push the cabin with only a few steps left. He was washed back to the deck by the waves, and his head hit the railing.

The violent pain struck, and he lay on the deck. In the blurred sight, Lin Cheng and Lu Qing and the tribes floated in the distant waves. They made a sound that humans could not hear to appease the sharks. I noticed that the impact under my body was getting weaker, and Jiang Yuxin was loose and fainted.

The shark was calmed down and sank to the bottom of the sea. Qin Shen made people sail quickly and took the river to leave, and the sea returned to calm. Lu Qing and the tribes went back to the wound with the injured sharks. Lin Cheng bid farewell to them and swam toward where he had entered the sea.

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