Chapter 88

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Joe Xin set a moment to turn to look at Jiang Yu and Qin Shen, slowly Zhangkou wants to talk, Qin Shen pre-emptive: "You are not mistaken, noisy The legs can become tails, he is Jiang Yusheng and Jiang Yusheng, Jiang Yu is a mermaid."

Suddenly aware of these two shocking news, Josin looked at Jiang Yu and looked at the little scorpion in the water, so he did not speak for a long time. Jiang Yu worried about looking at her, pulling Qin Shen's sleeves, let him help in the past, beware that Josin also fainted like Qin Yunshan.

Qin Shenfu Qiao Xin sat down on the chair next to him, Jiang Yu went downstairs and poured a cup of hot tea. Josin drank two hot teas and looked at the little scorpion in the pool. The little scorpion held the fish in his arms and looked at her with a rounded eye. The beautiful little tail was hidden in the water.

"...Can I touch him?" Qiao Xin felt as if he was dreaming, and Qin Qin, who was next to him, saw Qin Shen's face black, knowing that he was not dreaming, and looked at the little scorpion for a long while, asked.

Jiang Yu leaned over and waved at the little scorpion, and the little scorpion swam to the pool. Josie got up from the chair and slowly reached out and touched the fish tail of the little scorpion.

The tail of the little scorpion moved, looking up at Jiang Yu, Jiang Yu's appeasement touched his small head, he regained his gaze, and let Joe Xin touch.

Josin touched for a moment and stood up silently. Jiang Yu looked at her awkward look, and looked at Qin Shen uneasy. Josin suddenly said: "I will go out."

Jiang Yu’s heart twitched, Qin Shen also frowned, and paused: “I will accompany you.”

Qiao Xin did not object, Qin Shen gave Jiang Yu a soothing look, and drove with Josin to go out.

Jiang Yu and Xiao Xiezi waited uneasy at home. After more than an hour, the two returned.

Josin took a big bag and looked at it. Qin Shen’s face was innocent and he was behind. Jiang Yu felt strange and whispered Qin Shen, "What are you going out for?"

Qin Shen reluctantly said: "You will know it later."

Jiang Yu soon became unbelievable. In the few bags that Josin came back, it was the clothes bought for the little scorpion. It was not the same as usual. It was all like a tutu bow. She dressed the little scorpion as a mermaid princess and kept taking pictures.

"My mom always wants a daughter and dresses up as a princess in a fairy tale." Qin Shen whispered to Jiang Yu, Josin likes her daughter. She still likes fairy tales when she is old. He and Fang Wei are both sons. Now look. Go to the little scorpion with a small fish tail and instantly find the opportunity to satisfy her fairy tale dream and daughter's dream.

Seeing that Josin was obsessed with taking pictures and being unable to extricate himself, Qin Shen reminded: "Mom, these photos don't let others see."

Josin touched the small tail of a small donkey and waved his hand. "Reassured, I was seen by others. I said that I asked a foreign photographer to take a special shot."

After a full-fledged addiction, Joshua pulled Jiang Yu and asked him about his childhood. He regretted that he had not seen the little scorpion coming out of the egg. There is also a reminder between him and Qin Shen to regenerate a fish egg, let her see her own eyes.

This accepting ability makes Jiang amazed, and he and Qin Shen’s previous fears are all in vain.

"Right, little fish, I have been busy with work recently. Have you received any TV movies?" Qiao Xin asked after chatting about the little sister-in-law.

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