Chapter 92

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After half a month, Jiang Yu and Qiao Xin’s film was smashed. When Jiang Yu came back, he found that there was a baby room in his home. Qin Shen had to wait for the independence of the child from a young age. He waited for the river to fall asleep every day, and quietly took him to the baby room, and waited until the morning, the little donkey was still not awake. Then he sneaked back to the bed.

The river is nowhere to be heard. Every day, I am asleep in the joy of Jiang, and wake up every day. Until one morning, Qin Shen and Jiang Yu tossed in bed for a while, and Jiang woke up in a strange room in a strange cot, suddenly wowed and cried, only to find out that he was abandoned. He is just a baby less than one year old.

The little scorpion gas did not care for him for a week, and Qin Shen took great effort to smash people.

After Jiang Yu and Qiao Xin cooperated, they took the heat of Josin and they were completely busy. Every day, I have to be busy running the notice, and the advertisements are floating like snowflakes on the TV show.

After more than two months, Jiang Yu and Qiao Xin's film was released in the Golden Week of the 11th. As a literary film, in many Hollywood blockbusters and domestic commercial films, the box office and word of mouth have performed well. Jiang Yu’s reputation has risen rapidly. Soon, several good-quality scripts have been found on the door. Yan Shu has chosen a director and a screenwriter for the big man’s costume drama.

This is the first scene of Jiang Yu’s role as a male actor. He quickly entered the group. The filming site of the crew was at the film and television base in Linghai City. It was very convenient for him to go home, or Qin Shen took a small scorpion to visit the class.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was Christmas. Jiang Yu’s all plays were finished, wrapped in a down jacket and walked out of the studio. Qin Shen had already waited for him in the car outside.

He spoke to the assistant and ran to the car. Qin Shen reached out and touched his red cheeks, and took his cold hands and rubbed it.

Jiang Yu’s hands were hot, and Qin Shen drove to the business district.

On Christmas Eve, the bustling business district is full of people. Qin Shen found a parking place in the underground parking lot and reached for Jiang Yue to wear a mask and a down jacket hat before getting off.

Jiang Yuai loves to eat hot pot. When they arrive at the box, they order a lot of dishes that Jiang Yu loves to eat. When a satisfying one comes out, the sky is dark outside, and the lights in the mall are crowded and people come and go.

Jiang Yu took a mask and a hat, put his hands in the pocket of the down jacket, and slowly swayed out of the mall with Qin Shen. On the opposite bank of the river, the huge electronic screen showed the time. Just eight o'clock, there were already people gathering slowly. past.

At nine o'clock, there will be a fireworks display on the other side of the river. On the day of last year, he and Fang Wei came to eat and watch the fireworks. As a result, Fang Wei was called away halfway. Later, Qin Shen came. When the two people were in the fireworks, kissing and determining the relationship.

Jiang Yuzheng thought of the ecstasy, squeezed into a warm palm in his pocket, and stuck with his palm, his fingers inserted into his fingers, ten fingers.

"Let's go, we are also gone." Qin Shen took him and walked slowly to the opposite bank.

The outside light is not bright inside the mall, Qin Shen covers the lower half of the face with a scarf, Jiang Yu only reveals a pair of eyes. The two were not at all eye-catching. Jiang Yu was very relieved to follow Qin Shen, and stared at him intimately.

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