Extra 6

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"I'll go get it for you." Qin Shen turned and went out and took in a loaf of bread for him.

Xiao Jiangyu curiously looked at the bread and said, "Hey," he opened his mouth and would bite.

"Wait." Qin Shen quickly stopped him, teared open the bag, and then re-feeded to his mouth, "so you can eat."

Xiao Jiang was careful to take a bite, soft and fragrant, his eyes lit up, and he took a big bite with his hands and took a big mouthful.

Worried that he was squatting, Qin Shen went outside and poured a glass of water in.

Xiaojiang was so happy that he had finished eating the bread and rubbed his fingers. He said with pleasure: "It's delicious."

Poor children, there is no good food in the sea, a loaf of bread is happy to be like this. Qin squatted on his head and promised: "There are more delicious, I will take you to eat tomorrow."

“Really?” Xiao Jiang Yu smiled happily, his eyes bent into crescents.

Qin Shen couldn't help but poke his soft face and asked, "Do you have a name? My name is Qin Shen."

Xiao Jiang nodded, "My name is Jiang Yu."

"Jiang Yu, little fish, the name is really for you." Qin deep music, "You call my brother."

Xiao Jiang was screaming, "Qin Shen brother."

Qin Shen’s heart is more beautiful than the brother who heard his half-brother called his brother.

Outside the door, Josin knocked on his door and called: "A deep."

"Hey, don't make a sound, my mother is back." Qin Shen whispered his fingers and then went out to close the bathroom door and open the door.

"How can you not scream in the room." Josin’s son’s head, taking him to the living room sofa, asked, “Where did you go today?”

Qin Shen and Josin sat on the sofa for a while, and it was nearly ten o'clock. Thinking about the children in the bathroom, Qin Shen urged his mother to say: "Mom, go to rest, you have to make a movie tomorrow."

"Then I go to sleep first, you go to bed early, don't play too late." Josin's son said a few words and went back to his room.

Qin Shen also hurried back to his room, Xiaojiang was in the bathtub, his eyes closed and closed, and he fell asleep. Hearing the voice, looking up and yawning: "You are back."

"How do you sleep at night? Can your fish tail become a leg?" Qin Shen asked him so sleepy and asked.

"No, you can change in adulthood." Xiao Jiang was shaking his head and said, "I can sleep in the water."

"Not cold?" Qin Shen worried.

"I am a fish, this is not afraid of cold." Xiao Jiang said with a wink, "You can sleep too."

Qin Shen was finished washing, and Xiao Jiang was happy to go out to bed and go to bed. Woke up the next morning, remembering the last night, I felt like dreaming. He got out of bed and went to the bathroom door. He saw that the bathtub was awake and the child who was playing with the shower gel bottle was awake.

Xiao Jiang was pinching the bottle, pinching it and pinching it. When he looked up, he saw Qin Shen standing at the door and smiled and said hello. "You are up."

Qin Shen sighed, washed his face and brushed his teeth and went outside for breakfast.

Josin has already gone to film, and he and his children are left in the room. He called the waiter to send breakfast, and when he sent it, he took it into the bathroom.

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