Special Chapter

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A/N: Yas, red haired Seulgi! 🔥

[In a different timeline]

Seulgi's POV

I gasped in the air as I immediately pulled myself up, catching my breath, my face is sweating really hard. I looked around and felt a relief when I'm still on my room.

What the hell is that? It's been straight three days since I've been dreaming that certain scene over and over again. It's making me insane.

I absently mindly caressing my weird scar on my wrist that's been on it since I've born as I trying to get my sleep again. I always do that when I dream of it, making me at ease.

That girl, Joo...Joo—I can't remember it. What was her name again?

I felt my heart is beating so loud, I held my stomach. It felt so real, that pain. What is that dream? Is this the feeling of not getting enough sleep for 3 days straight?

I sit down and fidgeting my pencil as I looking at my window, it still dark outside.

Joo...Joo...JOOOOOO—no. I can't really remember it. It's on the tip of my tongue and that face it was blurred again.

Should I call Wendy? Nuh, I bet she's snorning this time and still sleeping with her eyelid slightly open.

I pulled a scratch paper and draw something on my mind. I usually do this when I can't sleep and end up with a weird drawings.

A portrait of a girl but without a face, is that creepy? I always feel there's something missing like there's a hole on my heart and I don't know what is that and how to fill that void.

"I'm really crazy.." I chuckled lightly and rested my forehead on my arm and that's where I fell asleep.


I was walking on the hallway of Kwangya University or they called back then as ReVel International University. It got renovated many years ago and I'm heading towards my first subject which is Art and I love art more than anyone in this world. I fastened my pace but someone pulled my arms.

I rolled my eyes, I knew she's going to do that.

"Seulgi bear!" that voice, everytime.

"Seungwan, stop calling me that! You're embarassing me." I hissed as I pulled my arms and started to walk again.

"H–hey! What's with that morning mood you have?" she asked but I ignored her.

"Ahh! Someone didn't get noticed by her crush again for the 372nd time." she clicked her tongue as I looked at her.

"Seriously? You're counting how many messages I send to Krystal's account?" I asked in disbelief.

"Uhh, yeah? You always updating me like I'm your girlfriend. Ew, disgusting." she muttered.

"Whatever, I can feel that she's going to notice me someday even she's way too much for me." I said dramatically.

Krystal 'Soojung' Uchinaga, she's the prettiest girl here in Kwangya that I knew. I had these huge crush on her since I was freshman and she was sophomore that time, she's so sophisticated and elegant. A lot of students want to date her, even me. Her family owned a lot of restaurant, she came from one of the wealthiest family here in Korea making her being out of my league.

"Ugh, falling in love is really disgusting." Wendy said as I stopped on my tracks.

Falling in love is disgusting.

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