Chapter 17

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Irene's POV

Today, we're having a volleyball game and I'm with my little Yeri. I'm warming up and wearing my knee pads, I'm exhilarated because I haven't played volleyball since forever. I have this certain joy for this sport, can't wait to spike their faces. Competitive and merciless Joohyun activated! I looked at the other half of the court and smirked as I saw the GirlFriends warming up on the other side. Oh~this will be fun!

"Today BLACK PANTHER VS YELLOW COBRA, black team will serve first. Let the game begins!" the referee said as he blow the whistle and that's my cue to serve.

As a first server, I dribbled the ball and smirked as I saw SinB who looks uncomfortable. I served the ball using jump serve towards her, even though I have this disadvantage in height I can jump.

"Service Ace!" I run to hugged them and it's my serve again. The referee whistle and I target the other one named Yujin. I used again my jump serve and the ball flew towards her.

"Another service ace!" I hugged them again and the game continued and we won the first set. The crowd gets wild and cheering some yell to motivate us, that was easy?

Score: 25—14 1st SET

We sit in the bench and taking a rest for 3 minutes, I drink in my gatorade and listening to our coach. I looked at Yeri who's wiping her sweat and looking somewhere like she's looking for someone.

"Hey? You okay Yeri?" I asked as I nudged her, she startled and immediately looked at me.

"Y-yeah. By the way nice serve unnie." she winked at me and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Of course, it's Bae Joohyun last year MVP, the best spiker, the best server and best scorer." I said proudly as she scoffed. There's this awarding ceremony every after championship, they'll distributing awards like what I've mentioned.

"Whatever unnie. It such a bummer that I didn't get the best digger last year.." she sighed, well she play libero.

"Stop whining like a baby you still got the best receiver, receives are most important than digs." I stated.

"Yeah, I remember Eunbi is the best blocker on their team right?" she said. Yeah, my sister done so much last year on their team overseas. I'm proud of her.

"I don't remember the Best Setter but—"


"Okay guys you can do it! Teamwork and communication! Always put a heart on every decision you'll make! BLACK?!" our coach yelled.

"PANTHER!" we yelled back.

"WAKANDA?!" our coach continued.

"FOREVER!" we all yelled and doing a high fived thingy. I mentally slapped myself and thinking why I'm yelling this humiliating words?

"Team Yellow will going to serve first. Set 2 begin now!" the referee whistle and I stretched my legs and looking at the ball while alerting myself. Eunha is going to serve and it's coming to Yeri but she smoothly receive it and Solar set it high enough for me. I jump and rapidly hit the ball with force.

"Team Black scores!" I swayed my hand as I tapped Solar shoulder. The game continue and spike there, dig there, set there and luckily we won the first game.

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