Chapter 2

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A/N: Just Seulgi wearing specs is so damn cute! <3


Seulgi's POV

I was preparing myself to go to that goddamn university. I knew that as I entered in that fucking gate my life literally is in hell. I tied my necktie and grabbed my blazer as I walk downstairs.

"Honey? Come, have some breakfast here." mom said and I went in the dining area. Damn, I knew she'll call me. I sighed as I sat down and grabbed some toast.

"How's the university Seulgi?" my dad said with a stern voice while flipping the newspaper.

"Fine. Better than the other one." I said nonchalantly.

"I heared that you got yourself into fight? Tell me that isn't true." dad said while looking at me intently, waiting for a good response from me.

"Yes it is true. I have excuse." I said but a forceful slam startled me a bit as well as mom.

"You'll never learned do you?! Fuck that nonsense excuses of yours!" he screamed in anger.

"Samson! Where are your table manners?!" mom yelled but dad didn't answered her but instead eyeing me like I'm a disappointment.

"Why don't you follow your brother steps so that you don't cause problem huh! You didn't do anything right!" he screamed at me not minding mom.

Yeah, fuck my big brother! He's always the one whom you're proud of!

"Answer me!" dad yelled and held my cheek tightly. I bit my inside cheeks to ease that pain.

"Samson! You're hurting our daughter!" mom screamed and pushing dad away from me. Dad forcefully pushed my face away as I bitterly chuckled.

"Answer? You want some answers?! Then go asked your lovely son about answers because in the first place you only love him!" I yelled back.

"You want to kill me right? Forcing my mother to take pills when I'm still in her womanhood because you didn't fucking want me! You don't love me!" I screamed in anger as my head forcefully leaned sideways as my glasses flew away and shattered. I heard mom gasped and screamed at my oh-so perfect father.

I chuckled bitterly. I held my side lips who's bleeding right now, fuck this life!

"Jokes on you, I still born in this world. Destiny is on my side! Clichè right? I don't need you. I don't need a person who disowned me in the first place!" I said coldly and pulled my bag and blazer as I walked away.

Fuck this. I dialed Seungwan's number and a seconds later she answer it.

"Where are you?" I asked in a cold voice and massaging my cheeks, damn it. Kinda hurts but I'm used to it though.

"Hey? You alright? What's with that voice of—"

"I said where the hell are you?" I asked with a hint of irritation.

"Chill there. I'm currently at the mall looking for materials for my project that Mr. Park assigned to me. Why?"

"Can you buy me that glasses I'm using right now? You know that right?" I asked as I'm taking a cab.

"Yep, I know that one. Why? What happened in your old glasses?"

"Seungwan, stop asking questions and just fucking buy me that. I'll tell you when I see you. Bye." I groaned and before she say something else, I ended it and sighed deeply.

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