Chapter 4

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Seulgi's POV

Today is the day Mr. Lee announcing our scores in the test we take yesterday and I'm nervous yet excited. I want to know Seungwan and Sooyoung's score. Mr. Lee's starting to announce the scores of each one of us, I saw some of them facepalmed and some them frowning.

"Bae Joohyun, 48 over 50. Congrats Ms. Bae." Mr. Lee said and the other's clapping their hands in shocked. Not bad for a devil?

"Kang Seulgi, 49 over 50. Congrats Ms. Kang." Mr. Lee smiled and I just smirked looking at the two beside me, I saw them holding their hands and murmuring something.

"Kim Yerim, 45 over 50. Congrats Ms. Kim." Yeri just sighed in relief and smiled at Irene. Irene just ruffles her hair, I scoffed.

"Son Seungwan, 40 over 50. Wow it's nice to see your score here. I hope you keep it up! Congrats Ms. Son." Mr. Lee smiled and my eyes went wide as I glanced at the two hugging each other.

What the actual fuck? You can't be serious!

Well there's another one, Sooyoung. I smirked in that. Yeah, Seungwan can review but Sooyoung? I scoffed in that thought. You need to convince her first to review—

"Park Sooyoung, 42 over 50. Ms. Son and you did well today. I hope you two keep this up! Congrats Ms. Park."

And my jaw literally dropped and the two is hugging each other again and giggling.

What the fuck?

Sooyoung, 42? Seungwan, 40? How the on earth they passed this fucking quiz?! I think I belittle this two.

"Okay, we have a groupings for tomorrow, that's all. Class dismissed, see you!" Mr. Lee said and walked outside the class.

I'm in the middle of processing what happened today. Just wow! Well, good job in those two.

"Ready Seul?"

I looked who's infront of me and a smirking Seungwan and Sooyoung is eyeing me like they're planning something. I groaned in that sight, damn it. I haven't should take that deal.

"I guess, I don't really have a choice." I mumbled and letting them grabbed me.

"Yes! Okay, since Intramurals is coming. We don't have much school works to do, and we have a two hours vacant and I heard Ms. Choi isn't going to attend our PE class so.." Seungwan stooped and looked at Sooyoung.

"So we have enough time to try some experiment on our beloved friend." Sooyoung squealed in excitement.

"Wait? What?! Experiment?" I asked with my brows furrowed.

"Don't mind her Seul. Just trust me." Seungwan rolled her eyes and winked at me.

We're walking towards the parking lot and get inside Seungwan's Lambo. Since her family owned a lot of cars, yeah. Hell rich! We drove towards mall, I think I'm going to regret it later. Hopefully not.

They dragged me in a boutique and forced me to sit near in the mirror.

"Stay here." Seungwan commanded and dragged Sooyoung to picked clothes.

I rolled my eyes and roamed around. Hmm, I think this clothes are expensive. You can determine it in the fabric that used, it's soft yet thick and I can see that it looks like stretchy. I looked at the other side and seeing people walking, eating and dating. Ugh! I think I might get sore eyes.

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