Killer Instinct

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Legolas had never been so relieved to see the captain of his father's royal guard than in that moment-as he and his companions escaped from the caves with the fury of all the goblins of the Grey Mountains unleashed behind them. He tugged on Thaliniel's hand to guide her up to the top of the ridge without pause or even to catch their breath until they were safely ensconced on the other side of the elven warriors.

Legolas' eyes brightened to see Beriadan, his father's most trusted Captain and his own training master for many years. "You could not have picked a better time to arrive," he called to the tall, grim faced Captain.

"My prince, it's only the twelve of us. Your father sent us to find you-not to fight off a full scale goblin attack," Beriadan replied, bowing his head in respect to the prince, an act which Legolas had repeatedly reminded him was unnecessary, but he always did regardless.

"Still, you are most welcome," Legolas said as he, Thaliniel, and the Rivendell elves quickly joined the ranks of the guards to find their own horses among them. Apparently Thranduil's guards had collected the horses lower down in the valley and brought them along, all on Beriadan's hunch that a quick getaway might be necessary.

"The goblins may have scared off easily now, but they very well may send warg riders to scout our real numbers. We should not tarry here," Beriadan said authoritatively, summoning all riders to begin their descent from the Withered Heath.

No time was lost as the elves urged their mounts down the rocky terrain as quickly as possible through the steep, boulder-strewn path. Legolas had encouraged Thaliniel to ride toward the front, feeling that she would be safer there, and Legolas took his place near the rear of the vanguard, along side of Beriadan.

The shrill cries of the goblins were lost among the sound of the horses' pounding hooves against the hardened earth, dust, and briars. Legolas had never ridden so fast, and how many times had he dreamed of riding like this next to Beriadan-with the members of his father's Royal Guard? And now, he was among them-him, riding next to some of the most fell warriors in his father's realm, and he felt honored and horrified all at once to be counted in their number-honored to be finally included in their ranks, and slightly wretched that his father sent them to reclaim him, like an errant child.

The horses and riders flew down the mountainside-past the barren landscape and the gnarl of blackened tree limbs tangled against the sky-and then, faintly, ever so quietly, a howl pierced the silence.

Legolas cast a sidelong glance at Beriadan, who caught his eye and gave him an almost smile. "I am pleased to see you in one piece, Prince Legolas," the captain commented.

"Let me just say that the goblins had different plans on that account," the prince quipped, trying not to remember his almost execution before the Grand Goblin.

"Well, we are not out of this yet," Beriadan warned. "Listen!"

At the first truly loud howl behind them, Legolas peered behind him, but the night was still dark enough that he could see very little. As the howls grew louder and more frequent, however, he also began to mark the sound of heavy footfalls padding behind them and growing closer.

"They are gaining on us!" another of the guards cried.

"Spread out!" Beriadan called to his warriors. "Ready your weapons."

When Legolas looked back a second time, now he could mark the telltale gleam of eyes, a swarm of yellow flashes pulsing in the dark and lunging straight for their group.

The Mirkwood elves then drew their swords, the ringing peal of metal like a discordant answer to the wolves' cries. Others readied their bows, and Legolas watched as the guards, led by Beriadan, seamlessly turned their horses' paths and guided them toward a headlong collision with the wargs. The Rivendell elves fearlessly followed suit, and the prince of Mirkwood gathered his courage and plowed in to the fray behind them.

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