Chapter 11: Whispers of Shadow

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Between the wreaths of smoke across the bar and the flickering candelabras, the elven prince could scarcely discern the dim outline of the man who had not only stopped the fight between him and the dwarves, but also possessed the boldness to call upon him as the son of Thranduil.

"Who are you, and how did you know my name?" Legolas inquired softly.

The old traveler glanced up from his pipe and furrowed a pair of bushy eyebrows at the prince. " I rendered aid to your father after the fall of Doriath and have been a regular enough visitor to his halls for his only son to recognize me I should think, or my name is not Gandalf."

Mithrandir," Legolas exclaimed. "I hardly recognized you!"

"That much is obvious, Legolas, and since when have the courts of King Thranduil become so ungallant that the prince neglects to introduce his lady?" Gandalf challenged.

Legolas' cheeks colored a rosy hue, and he bade Thaliniel to take a seat next to the old wizard as he explained, "Gandalf, this is Thaliniel. She and I are together." He caught himself and clarified, "Not 'together.'" He stumbled over his words, "I mean we're traveling together-"

Thaliniel rescued him, secretly loving the violent hue now staining the prince's cheeks. "Legolas volunteered to help me find my younger sister," she explained. "We believe she stowed away in a wagon belonging to some elves from Rivendell."

"Ah, which brings us to the crux of the matter," Gandalf surmised, steepling his fingers together. He had very much enjoyed the interplay between the two young elves, and Legolas was undoubtedly smitten with this elleth. He smiled to himself and wondered if Thranduil knew.

"I just happen to know where the elves you seek are bound," the crafty old wizard stated.

"Do you know for sure?" asked Thaliniel anxiously. They already had to be so far behind the Rivendell elves.

"Of course," assured Gandalf, his eyes taking on a knowing gleam, "for I am the one who told Lord Elrond that the task must be done."

"What are they after precisely?"sked Legolas.

"I dare not speak of it out loud," Gandalf began, "but I have warned the White Council of a growing threat deep in the Grey Mountains. Whispers of death and blood on the northern roads have reached my ears."

Both Thaliniel and Legolas shared a worried glance.

"Lord Elrond agreed that if my suspicions were correct than we must not allow this threat to fester. He dispatched some of his best warriors to travel there, gather intelligence, and act if necessary."

Gandalf cleared his throat and signaled for another drink before leaning toward the prince, his voice a whisper. "Take the upper River Road leaving Dale. I am certain you can reach them before they reach Luin's Landing. The storm washed out the bridge, which would surely delay their crossing. You should spend the night in Dale and strike out tomorrow-of course, do not stay here. The Lusty Lion is no place for well-bred ladies, young prince." He wagged a finger at Legolas.

"By the way, what are YOU doing here?" Legolas asked mischievously and laughed.

"Ah," Gandalf answered vaguely, "I had a hunch that I would run into someone interesting tonight, and here you are, my dear lad." Only Gandalf could get away with addressing an elven prince 'lad'. "Come to think of it, I booked a room at a lovely establishment two blocks away, The Raven Inn, but now that I've met you so conveniently, I find that I no longer have need of it." He tossed the room key to Legolas, who caught it between his fingers. "Oh, and it would probably be best if you two shared it, since you are 'together'. He winked at Legolas. "A single lady should not be left alone, unguarded," he added with a stern look at the prince.

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