Chapter 10: The Lusty Lion

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Chapter Ten: The Lusty Lion

Thranduil, as he strapped on his dark leather vambraces, reminded himself that he really loved his son, but for the life of him, he could scarcely fathom what had gotten into Legolas lately. Even as an elfling, Legolas had always been a model child-always doing what was asked of him, always honest to a fault. Thranduil had thanked his lucky stars that he had never been saddled with a mischievous son, for he had heard stories of the many exploits of Lord Elrond's twin boys. So why now? Why would Legolas make up a story about checking accounts at one of the vineyards to sneak away from the palace and go somewhere else, to go on some deranged bender?

Thranduil knew Legolas was capable of defending himself, but still he worried for his son's safety. It was not as if the prince had very much experience outside of the palace, and the thought occurred to Thranduil, that perhaps that was the very crux of the matter. He rubbed his temple and smoothed his hair away from his forehead. Thranduil could still remember when he had been a young ellon of Legolas' age, wanting to prove himself.

Galadhor appeared at the door, bowing and then joining the king's side to reluctantly hand him his travel cloak. "My king, you know that I have already sent out guards to find Prince Legolas. Please reconsider leaving the palace."

"My mind rests easy knowing that you will be here to officiate, Galadhor," Thranduil said, clapping his chief of staff on the back. "I trust you to keep things running smoothly until I return."

"But Your Majesty..." Galadhor said and swallowed audibly at the subtle warning in Thranduil's eyes.

"At the end of the day, Legolas is my son, Galadhor," Thranduil reminded him as he drew on his sword belt and buckled it.

As one of the king's most trusted hands in the palace, Galadhor had a long history with the elven king; he knew Thranduil trusted him implicitly. Still, it was never easy to disagree with any of the House of Oropher; he knew Thranduil to be fair, but at the same time incredibly formidable.

Galadhor picked up the king's sword and handed it to him with a bow of his head. "I will see it done, King Thranduil," he said.

Now fully outfitted in much more subdued garments than he usually favored, Thranduil turned with a swish of his dark green cloak and headed out the door with Galadhor trailing behind. The king would leave with a small contingent of his personal guards and track down the prince himself, planning on having a very stern talking to with his son when he found him.

It had been no small feat for Thaliniel and Prince Legolas to navigate the muddy, washed out road to Dale, and eventually they were forced to travel along the upper ridge of the valley. What normally would have been a simple hour's distance took them thrice as long. Eventually, however, the pair of elves made it to the gate of the city walls. Hoods pulled up on the both of them, Legolas spoke to the sentry at the gate, while Thaliniel tried to look nonchalant behind him.

After they gained admittance, they stabled their horses, with Legolas leaving a generous tip to ensure the best treatment and their continued anonymity.

"I wager that our Imladris 'friends' will have sought the shelter of one of the inns or taverns nearby," Legolas guessed quietly to Thaliniel who kept close to him.

The city of Dale was as every bit as bright and gleaming against the backdrop of the Lonely Mountain as Thaliniel had heard, but even the best of towns had their fair share of disreputable streets. Dale was no exception to the rule, and Thaliniel wondered out loud to Legolas why all of the men and women looked so rough, cutthroat even.

"This is the rougher side of Dale, Thaliniel. The elves from Imladris, they were more than just traders; I'm afraid they were up to some scheme for their Lord Elrond. I said as much to one of them, and he all but confirmed it. I do not believe they will wish to draw attention to themselves," Legolas said and gestured to one of the inns at the end of the street, The Lusty Lion. "Let's inquire here first."

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