=Episode 2=

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Uncomfortable Exchange

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Uncomfortable Exchange

His finger was itching to finally made that call after a day of having Buck walked out of the house because of Eleonore's unexpected and almost unwanted visit. Gideon only needed to press the green button and that way he would be able to hear the firefighter's voice once again.

He felt that he owe him some sort of explanation despite Robin still getting his head around the new reality he was facing. Something that he actually never thought of and now life was throwing it at his face. Parenthood.

He looked upwards and said almost in a whisper, "What am I supposed to do, Brad?" The sigh that slipped out of his mouth was almost a whimper. "I need your advice right now, old man." He was currently sitting in the living room in some blue shorts and white t-shirt. Standing right in the middle of the coffee table was a picture that Clare took of him and Buck when they went out almost a week ago.

It was Clare and Buckley's idea of taking him and Benjamin on a small road trip along the beach, thinking that it would be nice for them to clear their heads from the mourning they were dealing with

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It was Clare and Buckley's idea of taking him and Benjamin on a small road trip along the beach, thinking that it would be nice for them to clear their heads from the mourning they were dealing with.

The red haired woman thought that a picture was needed to just capture the moment. Seeing that Gideon didn't have any around the house, what a better way to start the collection than by adding one of him and that blonde guy that's on his mind most of the day.

He wasn't that keen on smiling that day, the wound of his father figure's death still ache terribly. Yet it only took one look towards Evan's eagerness to take a picture of them together that brought the smile Robin had in the photo. He couldn't deny that Clare did have a good eye for taking pictures, reminding him of the ones that William took while in deployment.

Not long after the photo was taken, Gideon was finally able to meet Eddie Diaz properly for the first time since he too arrived at the scene. Clare forgot to mention him that Buck's best friend and his extremely good hearted son were joining them that day.

He wasn't sold on the new addition at the beginning, but seeing how Benjamin's behavior changed into a happy one just because he was talking with Christopher put him on ease. Hearing his laughter made him realize that Clare and Buck had the day completely planned and it worked out for the best in the end.

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