=Episode 5=

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It's the way I couldn't stop writing and decided to upload a new chapter this quickly. I hope you guys like how this develops, because I want to dig a bit into Gideon's time as a soldier before writing "Gideon Begins" in this book.

I know that we don't see much of our favorite fire house in this episode, but remember that this story is about Robinson first and foremost.

I hope you all enjoy this one! Had to add a bit of gay smut in it too, been a while of that.

See you all in the next one.

See you all in the next one

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-"Please don't die, please don't die." Was all Clare was able to utter on the way to the hospital. Her best friend was underneath the palm of her hands while performing CPR.

Hen watched how her coworker worked tirelessly on the very same man they mentioned only mere minutes ago in the station. A bit horrified at how the universe tends to work. "Stop compressions." She ordered while trying to use the stethoscope to find the rhythm that would bring comfort to her new acquired friend. "Still no heartbeat."

-"Please don't die, Gideon." Clare was trying with all her might holding her tears at bay, all concentration was needed in bringing Robin back. "Just how far are we from the hospital?" She asked desperately feeling her arms starting to burn at how excessively she was doing CPR.

-"It's just around the corner." Chimney informed her from the driver's seat. "How long has he been down?" He dared to ask while rounding the street and spotting the building ahead.

How could anyone in that ambulance be able to answer something they didn't know at all because of how fast everything happened? "We don't know for sure." It was Hen that supplied the only thing she thought at the moment. "Probably like five minutes, he had a pulse when we got to him."

-"Give me the defibrillator again!" Clare's voice almost broke. Rubbing the equipment together, she began. "Okay, clear!" The red haired girl shocked his friend's chest once, "Clear!" twice, "Goddamnit, clear!" thrice.

And just right before the ambulance pulled itself into the driveway of the hospital, a huge gasp emerged from Gideon's once still figure announcing his return to the land of the living.

-"Oh thank God!" Said Clare without a care of feeling her tears running down her face, "Can someone please tell Buck that I have a heartbeat."


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