=Episode 4=

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Oh to finally be back to this story is not something that I imagined doing for a long time seeing as my real life was starting to fall very much apart, but here we are again.

BI BUCK IS COMPLETELY CANON AND I COULDN'T BE HAPPIER FOR IT. Seeing that kiss brought back my inspiration and I can't lie, I missed my boy Gideon so much that I couldn't leave him and everyone who's read the first book hanging which is why it finally happened! This second book is now in session once again and I'm excited to see how it develops.

I hope you all enjoy this return, which I did with a bang (pun intended). Any thoughts and opinions are more than welcome. 9-1-1 (Specially Oliver-Buck) means the world to me and this story wouldn't be possible without him.


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-"I know you can't talk to me about other patients because of confidentiality and all, I get that..." Gideon was starting to feel frustrated with Dr. Copeland. "But what you don't know is how hard it is trying to keep him away and safe from whoever is targeting me right now."

The woman only but nodded towards who's probably one of the most interesting patients she's ever had. "The man you can't go talk to the police about, is that correct?" Confirmation, that's all she's been doing since the veteran started visiting her thanks to her and Buckley's idea a little over a month ago.

-"Again, not the point." Robin face palmed himself for the hundredth time in less than an hour in his doctor's company over the cam. "I know I have his number, I'm aware that I can call him whenever I want to, but right now it's best if I just don't." To say that the whole month have been torture for him is an understatement. Trying to get to know his son, Eleonore still getting paranoid every time he leaves the house and making his best at keeping the firefighter at a safe distance is proving to be a bit more challenging than he ever thought.

Dr. Copeland knows that she needs to keep this extremely professional, yet those two are as stubborn as they come. "I have told you, Robinson..." She started saying once again, "That I can't talk to you about anything Buckley and I speak in our sessions. Same as I have said to him."

That picked the veteran's interest. He was currently in his small backyard sipping a cup of water still wishing it was alcohol instead. "Buck asks about me?" Gideon only imagined the blonde guy pestering the therapist in not a subtle way, thus making a fond smile appear on his face without trying too much.

-"As often as you do and he knows it." She could at least say that to her patient, "You should call him sometime, you know?"

Robin rolled his eyes without hesitation at his doctor, "You don't hear me saying that I can't literally do that, right?" He repeated once again. Having to say that to his doctor for God knows how many times was proving to be itself tiring, extremely so. Was it really that hard to understand that he needed to keep others as far away as possible so the subject who was following him wouldn't get suspicious and thus starting to target another person in his already messy life? "He needs to stay safe and if that means being away from me, then so be it."

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