captivating red eyes( L's point of view)

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* Just a fair warning for this next chapter, within this chapter there is violence and if you don't feel or want to read violent scenes then this warning came handy didn't it! - author-san

When not one person in the group of males responded immediately, Light's patience seemed to snap. He was already an impatient person, to begin with, God only knows what he would do if someone didn't comply with his every demand. His eyes seemed to start to glow, the small spark that once promised that he would compromise with these individuals seemed to flicker. Glowing stronger, they seemed to grow in the eerie depth of crimson. A smile, equal in size as it was to its insanity, complied with "those" eyes. Pattern filled steps that seemed awkward without a purpose, deep breaths that cut the silent air, as he made his way slowly to my attackers.

He straightened his back in an effort to intimidate them with his great size, this was not needed in the slightest maybe Light had no means to know his size. Black tattered wings with rips and cuts connected to his back and were so grand that they dragged behind him with every step. The talons that were on the tips of his dark wings scrapped the cement ground causing an unearthly tone to erupt and damage the ears of people around him, even me. A paled colored murky and bony hand reached forward to the largest, by largest I mean fattest, of the group. The man who he was now touching was trembling with such great fear that he was frozen and unable to run away. Light gripped the man's chin, his hand almost covered the entire face, and pulled him close so that he was eye level with Light's razor-sharp jagged pearly whites.

"You all have tested and stretched my patience to the maximum limit I would allow any mortal but L to do! So please before I kill and destroy your worse less human life please amuse me by saying why you're touching my property" he growled while continuing to pertain a wide monotonous facial expression. The man, still trembling in fear, shook his head back and forth with alarm writing with worthless attempts of getting released of Light's deathly tight grasp. The man turned a sickly white and we all saw a trail of urine run down his leg and soak his tan khaki trousers, he would have never done this if he had not seen Light's tongue swept across his lips, licking them as if he was about to have a delicious feast of wonders.

"Please, I'm ssooo sooorrryy we never intended to hurt the man. It was just a really bad joke" the man stuttered and squeaked out like an annoying hamster.

"I'm afraid that the answer you just said sealed my plans on killing every last single one of you brats and yes what you did was a very bad joke."

Light cringed and a forced a sarcastic smile, showing that he had thought the idea of killing these five men was a splendid one and had brought small splitters of joy to him. His smile intensified and while it got wider the hand he had on the man's chin began to turn slowly as if Light was playing with the man's life. I saw his eyes get covered in half with black shades, just like the time on my couch, and with a small unraveled flick of the wrist, he snapped the man's neck in half. The previously living person dropped to his knees and fell on the ground while a pool of blood began to scatter around him rapidly. The person who had slammed me against a brick wall turned around and flipped out a small pocket knife that he had been hiding in his sleeve. He ran at Light with intensity and a desire to kill, tears began to water down his face as he stepped over the body of his departed friend and nearly slipped in his blood. Staggering slightly he took a swing at Light however, Light easily caught the man's wrist and broke it. Light brought in hand to the now wide-eyed "victim" and hit their chest. The man was sent flying at an unimaginable speed that sent him crashing onto the brick wall next to me with crunch, he slid down and coughed up a clump of clotted blood before dying.

Light started to make his way toward the remaining three, who were unable to run for their lives because a dark group of chains had wrapped and covered their feet locking them down. He began to make a fist when he walked towards them. Regardless if they had planned to gang bang me, all life is precious. What I needed to do was stop Light from killing them. In my attempt to stop him I sprinted towards his unrecognizable figure. He was swaying back and forth as if he was so enraged that he no longer could control his balance. I wrapped my small shaking arms around his waist.  Using all of my remaining strength I attempted to pull him backward. He continued to walk toward them.No matter how much I pulled, he kept moving forward. His red captivating eyes wide with excitement, while he once again licked his black lips in anticipation.

I pulled again, this time harder. My struggle resulted in the studded belt he was wearing to slice the underneaths of my arms. That's when he stopped. He was directly in front of the three men, claws ready, fangs ready, to attack. But, his eyes were no longer focused on their frozen faces but at me. Light turned around to face me, the men no longer his concern. My arms remained wrapped around his waist. He lifted one of my injured arms and began to examine it. He started looking at their pleading faces and then at mine.

"Stop this Light, please. No one else needs to get hurt." I said while gently placing my head on his chest, expecting to hear his heartbeat but instead was met with silence.

He looked shocked and somewhat taken back, then he threw a small smile my way. Lightly he kissed the wound, then he grabbed and held me as tight and close as possible. Over his shoulders,  his black wings raised and started to flap. Creating a gust of wind that caused the dirt around us to scatter and hit the other three men directly in the eyes. I felt my feet begin to dangle as we started to float in the sky right before we started soaring. At the time, I don't know what shocked me more: the anger, his transformation, the flying, or the fact that I still, even though pressed tightly against his chest, cannot hear his heart. 

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