To touch the sky ( L's point of view )

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* Authors note~ Hey guys sorry I haven't updated Author- San got a two-month long concussion from lacrosse. Anyway, I was wondering about something thing. Should I write a description for this story and should I change the cover photo?

I stared up at Light, he seemed to be rather nervous and off his hinges. I looked up at his face before reaching my hand out and up at him and I gently caressed his cheek back and forth. He flinched slightly and pulled back. My eyebrows arched with confusion, he didn't appear to be flinching away from my touch it seemed. He seemed to be staring across my room and shaking in either fear or most likely pure anger. I attempted to crane my neck to look where he was. My face, however, was quickly pulled back and my eyes were covered by Lights hand, my vision turned dark for a view seconds before Light took his hand off. I only got a quick glance at the tall formidable figure that was looming in the corner of my living room.

"Well then Light, I'll be taking my leave now I suppose. However, I expect an answer from you by sunrise at the latest "the figure in the corner of the room laughed with his large dark lips and his sharp jagged fangs.

"What the hell Ryuk! You clearly know that's not enough time for me" Light growled at him most likely in a failed attempt to intimidate the thing. His fangs reappeared and made his words hiss and spit out at the thing with venom linked in them. The thing he was talking to looked just like Light did in the alleyway a little while ago. It was strange and it was confusing me, I don't like being confused.

"I think two hours is plenty enough time for you, in my personal opinion. In fact, I feel that I'm being generous with that offer". That thing or as Light called it, "Ryuk", spun around and faded into the shadows. A couple of days ago that would have frightened me and left me with plenty of questions. However, Light has taken that simple pleasure away from me.

When Ryuk was gone I expected for Lights grip to loosen just a little and for him to let me go. But I only found myself being carried towards my stairs and up to my room. He didn't move as fast and as agile as he did previously this night, perhaps something was wrong. Most likely it had to do with Ryul. We passed by my parent's room, even God doesn't know where they have been. Then we passed by Watari's room, he's on vacation right now. Then we reached my room. Light slammed open my door with commendable strength and fury, then he simply tossed me aside on my bed. I landed with a loud thump on my favorite pillow.

I watch as Light paced around my room gripping his hair and muttering to himself silently. But then he got violent, he began to start punching things. He slammed his fist into my wall, it chipped and pieces of it fell on my floor. He also kicked over a nearby lamp which shattered when landing on the floor. He gave off a loud aggravated scream before slamming his other fist into the wall. I could only watch as little by little he tore apart my room in an idiotic illogical tantrum.

"Two hours he says. Oh, you can have two hours Light that's plenty of time. God Ryuk when I get to the underworld I'm going to slaughter you" he growled mockingly. I saw his pupils widen and his eyes become entirely black and empty. I shook my head as thoughts began to rapidly fall into my mind, thoughts of earlier this night. Then I began to notice small little details about Light that I had not noticed before. He was back in his more "human" form, no longer looking like the grim reaper departed son. But to be more honest he still was splattered with blood, that's what really caught my eye. It was speckled across his face and shot all over his hands and arms, how had I not noticed? Was I too occupied to notice? Or, did I simply not want to know it was there? Maybe I didn't want to know that the boisterous person who's been prodding into my life recently had the will to slaughter people. However, I must ask my self-something. Is Light a person, is he human?

That's when it dawned on me! I don't care whether he's human or not. I needed to move. All that mattered right now was that I needed to stop Light from destroying my room. Pushing myself off the bed I sprang my way to Light and wrapped my arms around his back. He stopped his useless destruction almost at once, he was frozen. I saw his empty eyes crane to look down at my shaking face.

"Light, you need to stop this! It's pathetic" I stuttered out. Perhaps it was the way I said something so daring with such a weak tone that set him off. He growled and threw me off him and pushed me across the room to the bed. He followed close behind. I attempted to move, I attempted to run for the door before he made the short distance in-between us. But it was far too late. He pinned me down on my bed and watched as I writhed underneath him.

"Me, pathetic? I find that very thought to be amusing L" he drew my name out and ended it with a loud tick. He moved closer, "You're amusingly pathetic compared to me but for some reason, I can't bear the thought of you never knowing I existed".

He grabbed my chin and pulled me toward him my back arched upward against my wishes. I felt his hand wrap around my lower back holding me and keeping me where I was. The space between us was limited and I could hear both our breath begin to hit each other and synchronize. I expected for him to pull back and leave like he normally did but this time it was different. He slammed his lips against mine. It was a rough passionate and almost desperate kiss. I felt him trace his tongue against the bottom of my lips, he wasn't asking for an entrance he was demanding one. Nervously I slowly opened my mouth. Not fast enough for as soon as I slightly part my lips he slammed his tongue into my mouth and explored every inch of it. My hands wandered to his hair and pulled at it, he gave a deep throaty groan that shocked and startled me. That's when he pulled back entirely, I whimpered.

"L, I know that you won't willingly accept the death note. So I'm just going to have to trick you into it. I do apologize in advance but it's the only way I thought of keeping you while I was destroying your room" he breathed out watching my loud panting breaths as I tried to regain some oxygen. He slowly got up, the entire time looking at my sprawled out the dazed and confused body. When he left my room laughing, he turned and gave me a new unseen look. He's scheming. I closed my mouth and tasted an almost iron-like taste yes, that's when it dawned on me. My first kiss had tasted of blood.

Un-Written love (L x Light yaoi fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now