I was reborn ( L's Point of view )

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The Hindus know that the maturing of the soul takes many lives and that if the soul is immature in the present birth, then there is hope, for there will be many opportunities for learning and growing in future lives. I believe that my current situation reflects on this, and no I'm not saying that I am a Hindu. It's just comforting for me to a plausible explanation, it would be entirely concerning if I left the matter to questioning. You see my entire life is simply just the continuation of someone who had unfinished business in their life.

I came to this tragic conclusion at a very young age, it's not often that a child pertains the understanding, knowledge, and maturity of someone in their late twenties. Though I solemnly admit that this was not the only reason I suspected that I was playing double jeopardy with my life. You see every now and then, mostly in a situation that requires that I fully exert myself, I have memories appear. Memories that aren't mine, things that give me cordial feelings when I know I never cherished them. Luckily I can, for the most part, differentiate between the two different lives that I see. However, even for me, it's a challenge.

At first, I found my reincarnation to be a difficult and terrifying subject. Finding no comfort in family, none who could relate to my predicament at least. I was confused, but the simple fact is that the more I dug into this matter. The harder it was for me not to be intrigued. Intrigued as I was I never bothered myself to pursue this knowledge any further, I mean would good would come out of it? How would I benefit from knowing the name of the person whose memories I hold?

Could it be that I just didn't care, that's not it? I did care, I really wanted to care and I did. However, I wanted to be my own individual. I don't feel inclined to continue the life of an unfinished, their burdens theirs. That's why I properly introduce myself as me, Lawliet. Do call me L, I find it quite unnecessary to use real names that weigh down on you. It's either that or maybe I have a paranoia about it.

The school I'm attending is a private academy, Daikoku Private Academy. It's very much like a public school, of course with the small exception that they don't allow us to wear anything other than the provided uniforms. It's bad enough that I'm part of the infamous freshman group at the academy, now I was required to always have a uniform on. That wasn't going to work out very well for me. The day that my uniform arrived at my house, I made sure to throw it straight into the garbage bin.

Perhaps I should have just stored away my uniform instead of sending it to the dump. I found that when you show up to high school in casual wear people seem to either ignore or avoid your existence. And, when I do say casual wear I mean it to the furthest extent. Every day I find myself in several articles of clothes that don't fit my body quite right, a white baggy long sleeve and light blue jeans. No shoes, they're just awkward. Hell, I dare say that I would try the provided uniform but it's just too stiff

If I look at it in a more realistic way, the students at the school could possibly be avoiding me due to the various odd habits I've picked up in my life. In the beginning, when the school had started, there was a collection of people who were fascinated by me instead of alarm. However, those people have vanished. Tragic, but not sad enough for me to care. Sighing I rubbed my face. My little spur of daydreaming in the morning had come to an end, I was now at my school. The academy stood in all its glory, profound and great but still the same simple block it was when I last saw it.

Walking through the hallways I got to my homeroom and first-period teacher's classroom. I loved my first-period class, the teacher was rather timid and always tried to pretend that he wasn't. I also found Sensei Yoshida funny because of his last name. This particular man, a man who never hates anything, was disgusted by the taste and texture of rice. Ironic, considering that Yoshida's last name translated directly "lucky rice field". Just the sort of dry humor that I loved and just another thing that I can use against him. Simple only as an advantage though. I always reminded Sensei of this sadly, these reminders only caused small strife between us.

This wasn't the only reason for the strife though. He was the one person in the school that has yet to give up on my lack of proper dress and other "odd" habits. Pushing the door opened, I briskly strolled into the classroom. Five minutes late, of course. Sensei Yoshida simply turned and gave me a solemn frown, I'm guessing that I'm the cause of most of his frown lines. I stared at him blankly, almost wishing that I had the capability to give him a cocky smirk. Turning around I slipped off my shoes and left them next to the door. I heard Sensei grumble under his breath as I walked by.

"The top student in the school comes to class five minutes late and he's not even wearing his uniform." I ignored him and continued making my way to my desk. I would only come to school on test days if attendance wasn't counted as a part of graduation. Sitting down I brought my knees to my chest and began to chew on the nail of my thumb, the usual. "L", he paused to rub his eyebrows, "please sit down normally, you're disrupting class... again".

He seemed to be speaking firmly, even so, it was simply rolling right off me. Maybe on the first day of school, it would have worked, but now we're a month in. Everyone else was silent and slightly trembling. Why are they scared of him? I'm taking it that they can't see how forced the tone he uses his. How high pitched his voice is when he talks like that is because he's not used to it. I think only I can see this. I cocked my head to the side, I forgot that he had asked me a question.

"I guess that I have to apologize to you then? My most sincere apologizes Sensei. However, if I sit like my fellow classmates I'm afraid that my brain's learning ability will drop down to their level." My voice came out dry and sharp, with every word cutting and slashing at him. Knocking him down like he was insane, although I can admit that he's surprisingly smart. He frowned, then coughed and then he continued on with starting his lesson. It's as simple as that. I chuckled to myself, that's another frown line to be added to his cheeks

Turning my head, I looked out of the window instead of listening to Sensei talk. I can practically feel his eyes barring into the back of my skull. I saw someone that looked to be about my age walk up to the closed gate. He jumped with ease over the metal bars, with what seems not a thought. This woke me up instantly, I now examined his every move. He was smiling while look at the school, which made me deem that he was insane. His eyes glanced upwards and they met mine. A flash went through my mind.

I was falling to the ground from my chair, clutching my heart. The pain was enticing, yes, but the only thing that seemed to be on my mind was the case. Light ran over to me and hung over my body, shadowing it. He screamed, cursed and wailed. In my opinion, it was the worst acting I've ever seen. But the others they were buying his act. I felt betrayed! But yet I didn't feel shocked.

I flinched as pain erupted in my head. That memory must have belonged to the other me or, I was just hallucinating which is more likely. I realized that I had looked away during my short blackout, so I turned back. For what reason I don't know, this was just too enticing to look away. I saw as his eyes went impressively wide, they were tinted red. With a pale face, he shook his head back and forth rapidly. His eyes kept staring at me as if he was looking at someone who had died.

I watched as he half sprinted, half shook while leaving the school in a haste. I watched as he hopped over the fence, still looking at me, and almost got ran over, also while still looking at me. The scene seemed to push a word on the top of my tongue. It was his name, it was the name of the boy I saw in the memory. What was it? Then it came to me.

"Light Yagami". My eyes widened when I realized that I had accidentally said it out loud. It would have been better if I had whispered the name, but now I just had to sing it to the heavens. Sensei Yoshida paused, and he looked up from the attendance sheet. He puffed his lips out before commenting

"Excuse me, what did you say Lawliet?" he said with a monotonous tone.

"My name is L and was nothing. I just thought that I saw someone that I might have known outside, I do apologize. Won't you forgive me?" I said while still staring at the place where he was once standing. He looked back down and laugh.

"Looks like that seating position isn't really boosting your brain's capacity" he snarled. The rest of the class laughed with him.

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