Close call ( L's point of view )

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* I decided that there will be a sex scene but as one comment said, it shouldn't be so soon. The sex scene will be in one of the next chapters! *

I ran out of my school with all the speed that I could possibly muster. I needed the escape and get as far away from Light as I can, He has acting rather strange today. Not only has he turned and become rather aggressive and slightly possessive of me and a slight bit bi-polar. But he is also acting like I'm an object, his soul property that no one else can touch. What he did to me at the academy was over the line and simply unforgivable, doing such shameful actions in a public place and on top of that making me get kicked out of the classroom and told to wait outside. I almost had no other choice but to storm out of my school in a fit of rage, when I stormed out I was in a storm of uncontrollable blushes and there was no way that I would have allowed him to see me in such conditions.

When walking down the street I pulled my sweatshirt out of my backpack, I put it on immediately seeing as the sun was setting and it was becoming rather cold outside. I searched for my headphones in the pocket of my sweatshirt and plugged them into my iPod. When the music started to play I turned the volume up to the maximum possible level, yes I know this was bad in several ways. For one listening to loud music can cause ear damage and may possibly make me deaf in the near future. Second, everyone knows that it's not very safe to walk down any street in the night with headphones in. However, none of that really mattered to me right now. Listening to the music of people screaming and rocking out as hard as they could be allowed me to forget and clear my head, it put me at ease. I couldn't even hear the sounds of my shoes scraping against the pavement while I walked with a slight click dancing to the music if you can call what I was doing dancing.

As the lights began to shine and the colors of where I lived brightened, I realized that I had made my way downtown into the city part of my town. Usually, the downtown area was crowded with people shoving shoulder attempting to get where they needed to go but today the area seemed to be desert with only a few people loitering around several clothing stores and convenience stores. But there was one particular group of people that stood out the most, a group of several guys in front of an apartment complex. They were tall, most of them at least and they had themselves in a group of five. Though several things would catch anyone's eyes, for one they looked as if they were very formidable opponents and for two their eyes said they belonged in a gang but their attire screamed Harvard bound. It would scare anyone to see someone clearly attempting to hide their true inner appearance.

I pulled one of my headphones out, on the side in which they weren't looking at me, and flipped it over my ear. Then I straightened my previously hunched over back in order to make it look as if the group of boys and I were entirely equal in strength and to hide all the things that were different about us. However, I could tell that this only made things worse. Their deceiving eyes looked at me up and down as if I was a piece of sirloin steak wrapped entirely in pieces of bacon strips. I gulped, a clear sign of weakness, I quickened my pace past the group of men. At first, they watched me walk past them with interest and fascination but then they hit themselves on the shoulders playfully and began to follow me, shit.

I knew not to look behind me to see how far or how close they were, that would be a rather insane thing to even attempt doing. But still, I made some rather foolish mistakes when trying to out walk them and beat them in their chase. I breathed heavily and my body was shaking slightly from nerve-wracking thoughts of what could happen. Continuing to keep my head straight and continuing to not look down at the ground and pretend that I was somewhere else I made an undeniably terrible and crucial mistake. I turned right into what I thought was a continuation of a street but instead was met with what just had to a dark alleyway, what a fucking cliché. God damn it why did this happen to be me! That's when I heard the sounds of their feet stop at the entrance of the alleyway.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're just as pretty as a girl?" One of them said while carefully closing in on me, this day just continues and continues to get even worse than it had started out as. The rest of the five men who had not already begun to approach me started to walk forward, deeper in the alley. I turned around and looked over my shoulder and saw them looking at each other with a smirking cocky smile like the bastards I now know that they are.

The tallest in the group smiled devilishly and said, "you know guys we are going to have a lot of fun with this one tonight." That same man walked up to me and grabbed my neck slamming me into the brick wall, his fingernails dug into the flesh on my neck. He traced his index against the bloody scar that Light had left on the bottom of my lip," Look at this it appears that this one is already taken, what a shame no matter though it's all the same to us." He said while pushing the tooth mark that Light left down causing the wound the reopen.

"Damn right he's taken, now please do me the kindest favor and let him go before I nail you to wall and force you to watch while I rip all your friends' throats out" the voice that said was a dark and hoarse voice that electrified the air and made it seem heavy and dense. The person who said it was positioned at the beginning of the alley he started to walk forward, only when the light of the street lights started to illuminate him I realized that this was in fact Light. Only this wasn't Light, this Light had bewitching piercing red eyes that were slightly covered by spiky pointy black hair. He seemed to have formidable tallness that loomed over everyone in the group and shadowed them. His nails were sharp to the point and now appeared to be painted black, what the hell is wrong with him?

Un-Written love (L x Light yaoi fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now