Face to Face ( L's point of view )

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Strangely enough, I couldn't concentrate throughout the entire day, this had never happened before and usually, I would have blamed it on the mere fact that I was still a teenager but today I had a more notable excuse. The man that I had seen I can't quite place my finger on where I could know him, I mean it's obvious that I know who he is I already knew his name for god's sake. Light Yagami the main reason that my head was blazing with the pains of a migraine. His name seemed to have rolled off my tongue even though I have no recollection of the name or of the man who wears the name. The other person couldn't have known him, Light seemed to be around my age. Nothing of this entire phenomenon made sense and it really pissed me off that I couldn't understand anything.

On my way out of the academy, I began to reach into my pocket in a desperate attempt for something with sugar. I pulled out the last white sugar cube that I had in my secret stash of hidden food treasure. Placing the sugar cube on my tongue I let the sweet sugar melt and disintegrate on to my taste buds allowing it to stimulate small amounts of senseless joy on my tongue. I sighed when the taste languished and the sugar had completely disappeared. I gave a short small sigh, now I would have to walk to a store and buy some more.

I exited the entrance of the school and began to walk down the street with a fast constant pace. I rounded the corner and took various turns and short cuts throughout the neighborhood streets in order to get to the convenience store faster. Very soon the store came into view. It was an old convenience store but none the less it was one of the few stores that still sold sugar in cubes and not in one of those inane containers. Approaching the store I pushed the rusted metal door handles forward, a ding alarmed the store clerk that a customer was coming into the store. When entering instantly the smell of unswept dirt and old coffee filled my nostrils. This particular smell normally would have thrown me away from any other place but right now I only needed to concentrate on buying my sugar and leaving as quickly as possible. I rushed to the aisle where the package of sugar cubes was stacked but a ding of the door caused my head to snap up and look in that direction, it was him.

Brown clean bangs swept over his eyes in a straight cut dull mater. His clothes didn't really catch the eyes very well, they were mostly neutral colors not truly changing from black, grey and white. There was nothing really special about his look or about him in general, the only thing that I cared about was that this was the man who had ruined my composed attitude for the whole day. He turned his head in a cocky attitude, craning his neck so he was staring at me with a chaotic smile plastered on his face. He no longer looks scary to see me, this time he looked as if he had a very particular goal in mind that he was determined to accomplish. Waltzing over he had his back straight and formal so it looked like he was looming over me.

" Hello L it's so nice to see you once again", he breathed out certain confidence that stung my eyes and burned the pores on my face.

" Light Yagami, putting into account that I have never seen you before today I am going to assume that you knew the man before me. And, let me key you in on the fact that you don't need to answer that because that was a statement, not a question" I claimed looking at him up and down. There's something about this man, it's almost like some intense tragedy had happened around him.

" Well, you're just as cold as I remember L. However, in this lifetime I no longer need to take that from you and nor will I even tolerate it "

He moved forward towards me, cornering and backing me up against the nearby wall. I tried futile attempts to try to escape but that only resulted in me becoming even more trapped than I was before. Lights hand moved forward and grabbed my waist before slamming me up against the hard cement wall. My body jerked forward and landed on Lights', I stayed there slightly moaning in pain. I felt crumbles of cement fall from my back onto the floor, the pieces that didn't fall Light casually brushed off, this man had inhuman strength.

His hand brushed my face and lifted it up so our eyes met and connected, my eyes were brimmed with tears. He wiped a tear from one of my eyes, " I will have you know L things will be different in this lifetime. You may have had the upper hand before but now I will be the one to have that ". He didn't let go of me, held me in his arms while my mind raced a thousand miles a minute. I began to lose all my train of thought, my brain's activity had turned into nothing. When I began to regain some sense I started to think of the store clerk, why weren't they checking to see if everything was alright? I looked over and saw a strange black haze covering the store clerks eyes.

" she can't see or hear you L, as far as she knows there is currently no ones in the store," Light said with the same annoying smirk.

" You planned this" I choked out. He never replied. He just smiled down at me and pulled our lips so close that they almost touched, almost.

Un-Written love (L x Light yaoi fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now