Chapter 13

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First up was Leo and Cody. Their topic was Edward or Jacob. I knew that Cody is a big Jacob fan. But Leo did put up a fight. In the end Cody won though. We listened to all the other groups go first and it was finally our turn.

"Bentley are you ready?" Mrs. Kemp asked me.

"Yes!" I replied and Zane rolled me over to the front of the room.

"What is your topic please?" She asked.

"Is child molestation the same as child abuse!" I stated with no emotion. Cody gave me the are you ok look. I just put on a smile for him.

"Zane what are your thoughts?" She asked.

"We'll I think that they are basically the same. I mean both put physical harm to the children the only difference is that one is sexual one isnt!" He flat out stated.

"Just because it physical doesn't mean the same thing! There is a difference between getting slapped around and having some grown person take your innocence." I felt my face get hot with my rant. And I had to catch my breath.

"Both give the child trams just different ways. Like per say they will loose there ability to trust people easier." I have no clue how he says this so calmly.

"They loose their trust because its most likly the person they trusted the most that did it to them. We look our trust when a friend stabs us in the back. Is that the same!"


"Well with the logic you just put out there is. Yes it is hard in both cases. And both leave their marks. Kids that have been abused dont let people touch them easy probably cry when they sleep, same with molestation. But their is a difference from being beat and being raped."

"What's the difference huh! Ones on the inside and ones on the outside." He was still calm and that pissed me off.

"No the difference is that one you may be able to forgive under a cerci stance the other stays with you every time you have sex you think of it. One leaves scars on the outside one on the inside." I screamed at him we were now almost face to face.

"I think people recover from both and live normal lives!" H yelled this time.

"Well until you go through them both you don't know anything!" I screamed trying to hold in tears.

"And you do!" He glared at my I sat there wide eyed my mouth shut.

"You know nothing!" I hissed at him. His face grew soft with worry.

"Well I think that's enough for today class you can go to your lockers early." Mrs. Kemp spoke up breaking the tension.

I shot out of class with Zane calling my name. I just wanted to get out of their. So I went to the only place I felt safe at school. Underneath the stadium bleachers. I sat their for a few minutes crying by myself befor a had grabbed my shoulder. I knew it was Cody because this was our spot.

"Bent he didn't know. It's not his fault." Cody whispered. Sitting next to me. We sat there in silence besides my sniffling.

"Why did he do it to me? I was his daughter he was suppose to protect me and..." Tears cam streaming down my face and it was hard to breathe.

"Bentley breathe!" Cody engulfed me into a hug and I just laughed if I could breath I would him telling me to wouldn't make a difference.

"Know one knew he would do that to you. Know one knew he did it to you for so long he was a monster!" Cody stated.

"God I feel like a baby. Always crying." I sniffled.

"Yeah but your my baby. So will you talk to Zane he's really worried about you?" Cody asked. I just sat their and thought for a second. Then nodded yes. "Bentley ill be back."

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