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"Finally you guys are here I am starving!" Apollo skipped up to me and dragged me into the dinning room. I knew everyone there I just didn't remember there names.

There was Athena, Helen, Hercules, Artemis, Apollo, Hermes, Percy, some of the others that i forgot there names (there not important). Zeus, Poseidon, and a girl sitting next to him.

"Bentley sit next to me" Apollo pulled out an empty chair, and I sat down. Zane sat next to me.

"Hey Bentley my name is Rhodes I'm your oldest and only sister." The red headed girl that sat next to Poseidon and Athena spoke.

"It's nice to meet you!" I replied smoothing my shirt I looked at Zane and he was smiling.

"We'll let's eat!" Zeus clapped his hands and silver platters were placed in front of us.

The plates were filled with steak and vegetables. Everything smelled great. I was about to take a bite but I was elbowed from Apollo's side of the table. I looked over to see him eating like a crazy animal.

I crept out of my seat and walked behind him. By now everyone was looking at me besides Apollo who was still choking down on his food. In one swift movement I smashed his face into his plate.

His head shot up covered in mashed potatoes. Everyone was laughing at his facial expression and I was about to fall down out of breathe. But I saw the vengeance in Apollo's face and took of running.

"Fuck you Bentley I will get you!" Apollo yelled after me.

I ran into a room and it looked like a library and I ran under neath the desk that covered me from sight. Apollo was running through the house threatening to do multiple things that I did not even knew existed. I had to cover my hand ofer my mouth to muffle my laughter.

I was to caught up in trying to hold in my laughter that I didn't notice someone in the room until arms were around me. I shot up in fright. I looked over to see Zane. He had a finger in front of his mouth telling me to be quiet and took my other hand pulling me out of my hiding place.

"I'm going to lead him in the bathroom then we will use this key and lock him in!" Zane whispered in my ear I just shook my head yes to him and Zane led me to a closet by the bathroom. "Hide in here till I lock him in. Okay."

"Yes." I said kneeling down in between 2 shelves. I was engulfed by darkness as Zane closed the door. A few seconds later I herd Zane tell Apollo that he thinks that I may have gone in the bathroom. Then Apollo started yelling about how I better be ready because he's coming. After hearing a door slam and the death threats go towards Zane. That is when I knew I was safe.

"Come here!" Zane told me opening the door and pulling me in his arms. Engulfing me in a hug. "The big mean boy can't get you now."

"Thank you, I just wanted to eat in peace." I snuggled in his chest. I felt it vibrate as he let out a laugh. In the background Apollo was pounding on the door.

"Lets eat before we die!" Zane suggested. I nodded and we went to the dinning room where everyone was almost done. They acted like nothing had happened.

"So where is Pallo locked?" Artemis asked when she was done eating. Zane swallowed his mouth full of food.

"You can't let him come after Bentley if you let him out!" Zane told her she glared him at first but just siged. "I'm going to take that as a yes. Well he's in the bathroom by the study."

Artemis left and Zane sat me in his lap (For protection) and we began to eat.

"Come on Art she shoved my face into my plate. Please let me get back at her!" Apollo cruised in the distance. I felt Zane's body stiffen.

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