4 - This is a Nightmare

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4 - This is a Nightmare

With his alerted eyes watching his surroundings, Ashton was always paranoid now.

He witnessed too directly what the changes in Michael's humanity looked like. Ashton never wanted to ever see it again.

Staying as far away from Michael was his overall goal, but how was that really a possibility with the fact that he was always with him and Luke?

Sticking to himself and staying out of their way was the only thing he could really do for the betterment of himself, even if he wanted to help the demon that was being held captive for a week now.

He was the only one who went down to speak with the demon, since Luke had no purpose to do so and the distance from Michael was always apart of his plan when capturing a new play toy.

Michael thought that leaving a captive alone would make them more afraid and paranoid, and it usually did. But Ashton knew that Calum was different from the rest.

First off, Calum was a demon. All the others were humans that Michael would randomly decide to torture for his fun instead of instantly killing them.

Of course they were scared. They were innocent creatures that had never known a way to truly protect themselves.

But Calum was strong and confident, making Ashton even more afraid about this situation.

"Please...just don't rile him up even more than he already is. It won't result in anything good for you." He explained to the listening and still chained up Calum, "It won't be long until he comes in here for you."

"Why do you care about my well-being?"

"Because even if I don't know you and even though you're a demon, you don't deserve to be held here by Michael as some toy. He's evil and no one deserves his wrath. I truly hope that you'll make it out of here."

"If you let me out then I'll ensure that Michael and Luke are killed, protecting you and setting you free." Calum gave his mercy.

He was willing to show mercy to those who deserved it.

Ashton sadly shook his head no, "Even if Michael is evil and even if Luke irrationally ignores this, they're my brothers. I can't watch them fall."

"You'd rather live in fear of them rather than watch what they deserve and to be stopped?"

"One day I'll prove you wrong." Ashton smiled lightly at the demon, "I know that Michael will be saved, saving the rest of us."


"What?" Ashton asked confused.

"Calum is my name."

Ashton nodded and offered him another smile, "I really hope that you'll make it out of this alive and without anyone getting hurt, Calum."

The door opened suddenly, making them both look over at the new person in the room.

There was something inside that was hoping that it would be Michael; Calum was even slightly excited to see and officially meet the leader of these vampires.

Intrigued wasn't how he was supposed to feel, but he definitely wasn't afraid.

"Get out of here before Michael finds you." Luke ordered Ashton in disbelief.

"Till next time." Ashton gave Calum a small nod as his goodbye, letting Luke drag him out of the blood drenched room.

Luke roughly pushed Ashton against the wall of the hallway they were walking down, glaring at the vampire threateningly, "Don't let me catch you down there again or I'll have to let Michael know."

"Of course you will, sidekick."

"I'm just following the rules and obeying, Ashton. Maybe if you did as well then you would be happier here and with your new life."

"This isn't a life. This is a nightmare."

"You're dramatic." Luke scoffed, "You don't appreciate what you have."

"What do I have to appreciate, Luke? Our best friend is an insane murderer who would kill us and not even blink an eye at it! But he's all that we have other than each other."

"Michael has changed. But it doesn't mean that he'd kill us."

"Yeah right. You had to stop him from killing me last time."

Luke sighed, "Well at least you're alive, okay? Appreciate that."

"I'm not alive. I'm trapped in an endless eternity. All that awaits for me is blood and death. And I'm the one who didn't get a choice."

"You would have chosen differently?"

"Yes." Ashton answered easily, "I would have chosen to die that day rather than living out an eternity with Michael."

"Look, Ashton...I understand that Michael has changed, but you're talking so ill of him now. If he heard you then you'd be in trouble." Luke said worriedly, trying to look out for his best friend.

"This is what I'm talking about, Luke." Ashton scowled, "Are we just going to live out the rest of the days fearing Michael and his ability to torture and kill us? Are we constantly going to look over our shoulders afraid that he'll be there with that sadistic smirk and with a stake in his hand?"

"I'm trying to make sure you don't get hurt again. Just try not to get in his way. Stop visiting the demon."

"The demon doesn't deserve what's awaiting for him."

"Be thankful that he's in there right now and not you."

"It wouldn't be the first time." Ashton angrily mentioned.

"Do you want to talk about what happened in there?" Luke hesitantly asked, "You still haven't told me what he did to you."

"There's nothing to tell. You know his sadistic ways. You know that he'd do anything to prove that he's the big, bad leader always ready to kill."

"So don't get yourself in that position again. Michael already told me to watch you and to make sure you didn't make a mistake again."

"Letting out an innocent girl from her death isn't a mistake. It's called doing the right thing."

"And she still died." Luke stated rationally, "Michael hunted her down and killed her in the most brutal of ways. He let her drown in her own blood. And then you were sent in there yourself. Just keep out of his entertainment."

"This entertainment will get him killed." Ashton said sternly, "I guarantee you, Luke. He's going to mess with the wrong person and he will pay for everything he's done, for who he's hurt, and for what he has become. He needs to stop before it's too late."


Ashton in this story: 🥺🖤

I want to protect him. <3


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