11 - Karma

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11 - Karma

As soon as he awoke from his forced slumber, Michael knew that he was in trouble.

He was in an unknown room, chained up to a ceiling and in a dark, dirty room. Scoffing, the vampire realized that Calum was going to get his revenge.

He was in the same position Calum was in. It was his time to experience the losing side and Michael knew Calum had to be ecstatic about it.

Ever since Michael had turned into a vampire, he'd never been afraid. He was a predator, but now he was Calum's prey and that frightened him.

Maybe it's because he's killed countless humans, loving every scream and cry of pain. He saw how much pain his victims went through and he didn't want that for himself.

Michael was absolutely terrified of being fed upon now that he knew demons fed on vampires. And here he was chained up and trapped with a demon he pissed off and left to starve.

He didn't know what was worse: standing there with only his worried thoughts of what Calum was going to do to him or his terror when he finally saw the demon come into the room hours later into whatever day it was.

Of course the demon had the same, usual grin sported on his face. But it left a different effect now. It let Michael know that he was screwed and he just wanted to cry. But would he ever let himself be weak and show his emotions? No.

"Do you believe in karma, Michael?"

"No." He answered angrily, pulling on the chains to show his disappointment in all of this.

"Just like in my situation..." The demon hummed out when he slowly got closer to the struggling vampire, "You're utterly useless in these chains, darling."

"I'll kill you!" The vampire seethed out, looking forwards into the dark room. He was confused when he didn't see the demon and instead saw the empty darkness.

But when he felt a warm breathe of air hit the back of his neck, he knew exactly where Calum was.

He was scared that the other's mouth was so close to his neck, so close to sinking his fangs into his neck. Michael didn't want that.

"You keep saying that you'll kill me. Do it then."

"Be careful what you wish for. Because I just might."

"I don't think you will." The demon chuckled out amused, making Michael glare even if the other couldn't see it, "Because even when you were perfectly capable of doing so, you only left me with one lousy cut. It's actually quite disappointing, Michael."

"I gave you mercy. You should be thankful, but instead here I am chained and left to your own non-existent mercy."

"My own 'non-existent mercy.'" Calum repeated slowly, moving slyly around Michael's body while keeping his eyes on the vampire's face ready to stare into the pair that were either always green or red.

He grinned when he saw that they were green. The vampire must have fed before Calum captured him as his own, meaning it was going to take a while to break the other with starvation.

"If I didn't have mercy then you would be dead by now." The demon explained briefly.

"I don't buy it. You like playing games. You'll keep me here for as long as you like before you kill me mercilessly."

"Is that not what your plan was for me?"

The demon laughed lowly again when he saw the vampire halter in his argument and instead stay quiet with his glare.

"But here we are." Calum stated determinedly, stepping forwards and gripping the back of Michael's neck and forcing the vampire's face to be right in front of his own, "If you don't want to die then you'll need to beg me to let you live."

"I don't beg."

"I'll change that."

"I doubt it."

"This is all your fault Michael. Your first and final mistake is doubting me. You took me in, doubting my power. You kept me captive, doubting my revenge. And now here you are, trapped because you continue to doubt me and my words."

"What do you want, Calum? You want to torture me in return for what I did? Do it. I don't care. Just begin so I can get on with my afterlife without you in it and ruining it."

"Your afterlife has just begun, vampire." Calum sharpened his grip on Michael's neck, making Michael's eyes widen from the borderline painful grip. He couldn't look away from the dark eyes in front of his, seeing the power clouding them.

How could he not see what Calum was capable of before he started all of this?

"If my afterlife has only just begun then that means you won't kill me."

"I never said how long I was going to torture you for. I have all of eternity and I'm a patient man, Michael. I'll take all the time I need with you before taking your life away from you."

Of course Calum was lying when he said he would kill Michael. Calum made a promise to Ashton. Plus he had no plans of ending the vampire's life or else the demon would be bored without him.

"How long have I been here?" Michael asked instead of addressing what Calum had said regarding his life.

"For fifty-two hours. I had to constantly put you out. We're now at my home and far away from yours."

"Luke and Ashton will come for me."

"Really?" Calum couldn't help but to laugh out sarcastically from this, letting go of the vampire and taking a step away.

"Yes. Then you'll regret ever taking me here." Michael growled out in pure anger.

"How do you think I got out, Michael? Please use that head of yours for me. Ashton let me go and then him and Luke let me take you away."


"Your friends are so afraid of you that when the opportunity came for them to get away from you they took it with no hesitation. They aren't coming for you."

"They'll be more afraid of me once I get out and hunt them down."

"How will you ever get out? You're mine now and I take more precautions over my toys than you did."

Michael rolled his eyes annoyed at the other, keeping quiet. He felt stupid and weak. The demon stole the upper hand right away from him, which the vampire will never get over. He lost this battle.

"I'll come back once I know you'll be wanting blood. If I come with it or not, we'll see on my mood in the moment. It's not like you ever offered me any."

With that said, the demon left the vampire and the room behind until the next time arose.


Do you believe in karma?


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