16 - Blood on my Tongue

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16 - Blood on my Tongue

Calum wasn't surprised when within a second Michael quickly sped out of the room and to wherever he was going to take hiding in.

But Calum was secretly enjoying this. He wanted to show Michael exactly how good he was at hunting people down.

Michael couldn't get away from him, no matter how hard he tried. Because he was Calum's and Calum didn't let go of his precious toys.

The demon slowly walked out of the dark room, taking his time in walking down the hallway he knew the vampire was already far away from. The vampire himself was frantic while he tried to find a way out before it was too late.

He realized too quickly that he was inside some sort of castle, since there were endless hallways and rooms. Out of all places to be running away from, he had to of been inside a castle?

But of course that was his situation. Calum was always making things hard on him.

Even with his ability of running at the speed of lighting, it took the vampire twenty minutes to finally find what looked like the main exit of the castle due to its enormously sized door. He didn't waste anytime in opening the door and stepping outside.

But a burning pain made him yell out in shock and step back into the castle. When he looked at his hands, he saw red blisters slowly starting to repair due to his fast healing.

He slowly looked forwards, groaning when he saw pure sunlight outside. He quickly closed the large door, pulling the sunlight back into the outdoors and away from the interior of the castle.

What was he going to do? He couldn't escape from the castle until the night overtook the daytime. But since it was so bright outside and since the air was still consumed of misty dew, Michael could tell that it was only the beginning of the day.

He didn't know if he could hide from the determined demon for that long.

"Oh what a shame." Michael suddenly heard from right behind him, making him turn around to see the smirking demon.

He quickly stepped back, but the castle's door stopped him in his track. The demon slyly glided back in front of him, placing his hands on either side of Michael's head.

Calum looked darkly down at the nervous and in pain vampire, humming when he felt the other's body trembling slightly against his own.

"The affects of the sun over a vampire totally went over my head."

"Yeah right. You're trying to get me killed!" Michael snapped out of it and pushed at Calum's chest.

Obviously Calum didn't care for the movement. He grabbed Michael's wrists and slammed them against the door and over his head. Michael whined lightly at the pain, since his hands were still recovering from the blisters.

He immediately went to glare at Calum and to yell at him, demanding to let him go. But he saw the cocky demon already staring directly at him with his lips right in front of his own again.

Michael halted his words and actions, staring at the other's stare. It looked like Calum wanted to devour him and for some reason Michael wasn't afraid.

Being so close to the demon wasn't supposed to feel...good and comforting. It was supposed to feel annoying and scary. But Michael didn't feel that way. He was confused and he didn't understand why he was feeling like this regarding Calum.

So the vampire quickly moved his head to the side. He couldn't handle staring at the other. It made him feel weird and tingly.

"Even better." Calum stated against Michael's neck, making the vampire try to move more into the door.

That was not a great idea; Michael could admit to it. He gave Calum the perfect opportunity to move closer to his neck, which was exactly one of the things Michael knew he wanted.

He let out a small, worried noise when he felt Calum's lips press against the side of his neck.

Calum responded by placing a small kiss onto the surface before moving his mouth up to place another kiss onto his cheek, right next to Michael's lips.

"I won't take your side of the deal until you allow me to."

"Why?" Michael asked confused. Why would Calum wait until Michael told him he could? He knew Calum desperately wanted his blood. Why didn't he just take it like the violent, determined demon he was?

"Because I want you willing and wanting. Only then will I enjoy the taste of your blood on my tongue."

Calum brought his lips back down to slowly suck on Michael's skin where he had previously kissed him. He moved slowly and patiently like he's done all of his immortal life within his kiss. He moved the pale skin into his mouth and past his tongue with slow effort.

This made Michael let out a surprised gasp, a gasp that Calum found amazing.

Calum's lips felt like heaven. They were soft and loving, moving at such a slow pace that Michael was wishing he would speed up. But Calum didn't and Michael wasn't going to tell him to.

Instead the demon continued to take his time. He didn't want to stop kissing the other's neck, so he simply didn't. He had all the time in the world to smother the vampire with neck kisses.

He naturally felt his grip tighten around Michael's wrists while he continued to indulge in the vampire's neck with his lips. Calum couldn't help it; it was hard to restrain himself then in the moment.

If it were anyone else, Calum would have already started something that Michael wasn't prepared for.

He would have sunk into fangs into the neck presented in front of him, being sure to pleasure whatever vampire it was who offered themselves up to him. He would have laid the vampire down somewhere private in order to take all the time he needed to unravel them. He would have them whining out, begging for more and more.

And Calum would comply. Feedings were enjoyable for him, since he loved being in power and seeing the weakness in the vampire while they offered all of themselves to him.

It was always a true gift exchange. The vampire would give the demon blood and Calum would give them ultimate pleasure and love.

Calum wanted to do that for Michael and to taste his blood. He knew that the vampire in front of him would be the best feeding he'd be involved in. Michael would taste amazing on his tongue.

He grazed his teeth onto Michael's neck, making the vampire let out another worried sound that went right to Calum's crotch.

He moved his teeth up the neck until he closed his mouth and left one final kiss onto Michael's jaw.

Calum had to stop himself before he couldn't restrain himself. Because Michael was a sweet treat and Calum wanted nothing else rather than devour him.


This chapter: 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫

I hope you liked the angst. 🤪


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