19 - You Claimed Me

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19 - You Claimed Me

Finally opening the door in front of him and Michael, Calum motioned for the vampire to follow him inside of the room.

The demon smiled towards his friends who instantly turned their heads from their usual table and seating arrangements, sensing a newcomer alongside their fully acquainted friend.

"Calum." Michael said worriedly, stopping where he stood as soon as he saw and sensed how many demons were inside of the room.

Pure terror filled his chest, keeping him frozen in his spot and leaving him unable to move forwards or even backwards.

Calum quickly stopped and stood in front of Michael, blocking the vampire's view of the others.

"It's okay. I won't let anyone hurt you." He said seriously, noticing the obvious fear in Michael's green eyes.

Michael looked up at Calum panically and shook his head, "I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because they're demons!" He whisper yelled.

"So am I. Do I need to remind you of that?"

"You're different. I feel safe with you because I know you won't hurt me. I don't know them; I'm their prey."

He knew that Michael was panicking, but Calum really could only focus on one key piece of information.

So, "You feel safe with me?"

Michael paused from his fear, staring at the demon who was patiently waiting for an answer. The demon was watching with soft excitement bubbling within his chest.

"Now is not the time." Michael tried to steer away from a conversation regarding how he felt when he was around Calum.

"No, I feel like it is the time. I would even go to say it's the perfect time." Calum grinned enviously, making Michael huff in annoyance.

"It definitely isn't. I'm about to be eaten alive."

"They're my friends and my guests. I've already made my claim on you; no one would even dare think about placing their hands on you. Trust me here, darling."

"You claimed me? What does that even mean?" Michael asked ridiculously.

"Now is not the time." Calum repeated what Michael said earlier.

"No. I feel like it is the time." Michael also repeated what Calum had said.

"Just come with me. No one will hurt you here." The demon urged, making Michael hesitantly nod his head in an agreement he couldn't believe he was making.

Calum turned around, giving Michael the view of the room and it's habitants again. None of the demons were looking at them, making Michael feel relieved and thankful.

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