10 - Stuck in an Endless Cycle

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10 - Stuck in an Endless Cycle

Standing in the entrance to the vampire's living room, Calum was excited for this moment to finally happen.

The vampire was finally going to pay for trapping Calum. And Michael was going to regret it.

Michael sensed the presence of somebody, making him look sideways from where he was sat. His eyes widened in shock when he saw the demon there. He sprung onto his feet, ready to do what was necessary in order to protect himself.

"Bloody Ashton." Michael growled out, even if the said vampire wasn't there, "I can't trust him with anything."

"He was smart enough to take a good deal when it was presented to him."

"A sly demon making a deal? It couldn't have been anything that promising considering it was you who facilitated it."

"I'd be very careful with my words right now if I was you, Michael."

"Just because you're out of your chains doesn't mean I can't put you back in them."

"Oh it does." Calum grinned darkly and warningly, "Because I know what I want and I'm not willing to give it up."

"What do you want? My death?" Michael scoffed.

"I want blood, Michael." Calum stepped more into the room, making the vampire tense up. If he was going to die, he didn't want to die by being fed on. Especially if it was Calum doing the feeding. "But I also want you."

"You want me?" Michael asked confused.

The demon got closer to the vampire, being only a dangerous few steps away. Michael would never admit it, but he was slightly afraid.

"You're coming with me where I'll put you in your place once and for all. And I'm going to enjoy every second of breaking you."

"You can't break me." The vampire challenged.

The demon laughed out darkly, staring into the eyes that held too much confidence in non-existent power. Calum knew he would win this. He didn't have any doubt in himself and his capabilities, especially now that he was out of his chains.

Even if he was hungry and yearning for blood, Calum would still win over Michael.

"Will you come willingly?"

"Absolutely not." Michael scoffed.

"I was really hoping you'd say that."

Calum didn't waste anymore time. He reached forwards, grabbing the vampire into his grip and towering over the monster with a challenging glare.

Grabbing onto the sides of his face, Calum easily snapped Michael's neck. He caught the lifeless body, lifting the vampire up into his arms to carry until he got away from there and stole a car to take as his own.

He looked out of the window, making sure the sun was away. What a shame it would be to let the sun burn up such an interesting monster.

Without any hesitation, Calum made their way out of the house and into the woods.

Looking out from a window on the second level of the house, Ashton and Luke watched Calum leave and take Michael with him.

Luke was sporting a small glare, being unsure about this. He didn't trust Calum, since he didn't know him. But there was nothing he could do.

Ashton watched with a small smile, having a feeling that this was going to change everything in a positive and needed way.

"I can't believe that you would do this to Michael."

"It's needed, Luke." Ashton looked away from the window and at the vampire in front of him.

"He's going to be pissed off and escape. Then he'll kill you for letting him go and he'll hurt me for allowing the demon to take him, like I had a choice in the matter. The demon would have just killed me instantly."

"Calum promised me he wouldn't let Michael back until he forces him to change."

"Like that's ever going to happen. Michael is stuck in an endless cycle of blood and death."

"Well then we'll have a long time away from him. You can't tell me it's nice not having to be afraid for once."

"I'm afraid for when he'll come back. It's Michael, Ashton. Somehow he will manage to escape."

"Calum is stronger and more organized than Michael is. I trust him that he'll keep Michael on track."

"Okay...even if he did manage to keep Michael there, Calum will just end up killing him. You know how Michael is. It wouldn't take a lot from him to make someone snap. And if Calum is more powerful than him like you said then he's more than capable of killing Michael."

"He won't kill Michael. He promised me he wouldn't."

"You would never even know if he did kill him. Plus I really doubt Calum cares if he 'promised' you, Ashton. He's not a ten year old." Luke rolled his eyes, stepping away from the window.

"You've always been so adamant to staying close with Michael and sticking up for him, even when he's always in the wrong. Why?"

Even with Michael away, Luke was still vouching for the evil man. Ashton didn't understand it.

"Because..." Luke hesitated, "It's Michael. Before all of this, he was the sweetest and most thoughtful person I ever knew. He was my best friend alongside you. I always hope that one day that version of him will come back."

Ashton's eyes softened from this, seeing the pain in Luke's eyes for once. He understood what Luke was saying.

Luke's description of Michael as a human was right and accurate. Michael was the nicest person you would meet. He'd never think twice about helping a stranger or risking his own benefits in order to assist with someone else's problems. He was selfless and persistent, proving to be a compassionate man.

But that all changed when the three of them entered the immortal world.

Michael changed the most. He was now the scary and threatening man he was known to be.

With everything they both had, Luke and Ashton hoped that Calum was magically going to bring the old Michael back to them.




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