15 - You're my Prey

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15 - You're my Prey

Staring at the dark door in front of him, Calum was stuck. He was frozen like a deer in headlights.

It was still only the day after since his last visit with Michael, the visit where he almost kissed the vampire.

It was too early to bother the other. He would always wait at least half a week before going to see the other in order to work him up and make him more miserable in his stay alone in the dark room.

But Calum wanted to go inside and speak with the vampire. He didn't know about what, but he wanted to. He sighed out dramatically when he noticed how different he was acting compared to his normal self.

He'd never been afraid to speak with another person. Much less with a vampire he was holding hostage as his own victim.

This needed to change, he needed to change. Janeezia won Sidin's heart by being confident in what she wanted.

He needed to...accept how he felt about the vampire and work to make him his.

Taking a powerful grip on the door's handle, Calum swiftly opened it and stepped inside the dark room. His eyes instantly laid onto the chained vampire like they always seemed to do.

The vampire's stare flickered onto him, making the demon smirk lightly when he continued his way inside.

Like he always did, Calum stopped once he was right in front of Michael.

"Why are you in here?"

"Because I want to be."

"You barely came here yesterday."

"I know." The demon hummed out mischievously, making the vampire hesitantly view the demon in front of him.

It wasn't the time for his feeding yet...right? Michael really hoped not. But why else would Calum be in there so early?

The demon stepped forwards, making the vampire try to step back. But—of course—the chains stopped him from making any real movements.

"Dare I say you're afraid of me?" Calum grinned when he saw the panic in Michael's eyes and when he saw him try to take a step away.

"I'm not." Michael said sharply, glaring at the other even if he was right. He was afraid of Calum's fangs.

"I think you are."

"I'm not, demon. I just don't want to be around you." Michael seethed out in anger, pulling on the chains like there was any chance of him escaping.

"You sure are something." Calum mentioned with his emotions basically bleeding out into his words, "What if I told you that I was interested in your something?"

He didn't have his usual smirk or devious manners. Instead he was speaking seriously like he didn't have any possession of lies. The vampire noticed, keeping quiet because he had no idea what to say.

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