20 - The Sun's Hostility

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20 - The Sun's Hostility

Routines were already being created between the demon and the vampire.

During the day Michael would stay in his room and have his personal time. He was able to wander out, but he still didn't understand the castle's layout too well to know where he could and couldn't step due to the windows that brought in rays of sunlight.

Calum would busy himself with the various of things his home offered him. Being in the library with his friends, taking on reading himself, hiking outside and around the castle...there were many options for him as a demon who wasn't confined to the darkness.

He wanted to show the nature to Michael, but he couldn't. It saddened him that Michael would never see the sunlight or the sunrise again. Calum wanted to feel the heat with the other. But it was impossible.

So as soon as the sun set, Calum would knock on Michael's door. Michael would tell him to come in. Then their night together would begin.

It helped that neither of them slept due to their immortality. It gave them endless time.

Maybe it was his boredom of staying in his room, but during the daytime Michael missed being in Calum's company. But there was something telling him that staying in his room was not the reason why.

He enjoyed the time he spent with Calum and Calum would say the same regarding him. Yes it had only been a few days, but it still felt almost magical to Michael.

Things were different now. They weren't constantly battling each other, glaring and spewing hate. Now they talked in a civilized and caring matter.

Their conversations were always deep or pleasingly teasing. Calum enjoyed that fact the most. He loved how he was able to talk to the other in different ways.

If he wanted to talk to Michael about the evils and seriousness of the world, they would with their different versions and experiences of the topic.

If he wanted to make fun of Michael's pasty paleness, he would and Michael would teasingly make fun of his oldness in return. They were able to laugh together and that was important to Calum.

Laying a knock to the usual door in front of him, Calum patiently waited for the okay to come in from the vampire, which he then heard.

He opened the door and walked into the doorway, smiling at the vampire who instantly got up and walked up to him. Michael was already used to this routine.

Calum frowned lightly when he noticed the change in Michael's eye color. Yesterday they were green, but now they were bright red.

Even if he wasn't showing it yet, Michael was hungry and the creature was yearning for blood.

"What?" Michael noticed the frown.

"Your eyes."

"Sorry." Michael looked away, feeling strangely embarrassed about them for once.

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