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Harry tugs the blanket more over his head when he hears the cell door open. "I feel sorry for you Louis because I would hate to share with hybrids. The government should kill them the way they have the chance, " A police officer comments.

"Yeah yeah whatever, " he replies in a bored tone. The click of the door signified the door had been locked. Louis walks over and sits down on the edge of the blanket. "G-go away, " Harry sniffles. "What's wrong love?"

"D-don't ask dumb questions. Please just g-go away." Louis rolls his eyes, "The last time I fuckin I remember this was my fucking cell so no I won't!"
He rips the blanket out of Harry's hands, revealing tear tracks and red rosy cheeks. "So what is wrong?" Louis asks again.

"Why would Louis care anyways? Louis said doesn't care about Harry," he mumbles. The cat hybrid rubs his eyes trying to get rid of the unwanted tears. "I- I...well it's just Eleanor me, girlfriend."

Harry rolls over and faces the grey wall. "Cmon love doesn't do that. We had a little fun." Harry doesn't reply he just carries on starting at the wall. "Harry listens to me I do care about you. It's particularly just not how you think, " the older man tries to convince him.

"Harry wants to move cells," Harry declares. Louis' eyes widen in surprise, "W-what-" Harry puts his hand off to cut his from speaking.
"Louis heard! Harry is moving cells because Louis doesn't care about Harry, " he gives attitude.

"Don't get sassy with me young man." Harry sits up, pushes Louis off the bed on purpose. "What the fuck!" Louis shouts. Harry playful smirks. "You think this funny you little shit, " he teases.

He pulls the hybrid down on top of him. Louis rolls them over so he's on top. "Now do you find it funny?" The older man starts tickling him. "L-Louis...S-stop," he giggles. Louis carries on and sees tears leaking out the beautiful green eyes.

"Louisssssssssss!" Harry screams in joy. Louis stops his actions, hovers over Harry. The younger lad looks up into the blue eyes and smiles. "Harry finds Louis funny."

Louis leans down and kisses his nose. Harry grins from ear to ear. "Louis, you got visitors, " A guard spoke through the door. Louis stands up and moves toward the door leaving a sad hybrid behind.


"Oh my gosh, Lou! " Lottie shouts waving him over to the table. "Hey, love!" Lottie leans over hugs her older brother. He turns his head to his girlfriend, "Hello sweetheart."

Eleanor smilies lean over and kiss his chapped lips,
"Hello, baby." Lottie claps her hands together to their attention, "So Lou I heard you have a new cellmate."

Louis nods his head verifying he does. "Yeah, I do. He's a hybrid named Harry." Eleanor scoffs, folds her arms together, "Your saying they dumped a pathetic hybrid on ya." Lottie rolls her eyes at the comment.

"Yeah I guess so, " he scratches the back of his head nervously. "So how's everything back home?" Lottie smilies, "Everything going well! Daisy might be getting a boyfriend though."

"You what?! He better treat her like a fuckin queen because I swear when I am out and I found out he treated her like shit I will come after." Lottie laughs, "Well someone overprotective." Louis raises his hands in defense.

Eleanor flicks her eyes up to the clock, "oh uh looks like I need to be somewhere. I love you, Louis." She kisses his lips one last time and walked over to guard to let her out.

He turns his attention back to his little sister. "Is just me or has she been weird?" Lottie hums in agreement.
"Is she okay?

"Ever since you been in this place she has changed how she acts."

"Well, she might be lonely."

"Louis I think she might be cheating on you, " Lottie rushes out.

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