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Louis watches Harry curl on the bottom bunk with an eye patch around the injured eye. Louis couldn't feel any more guilty than he did. It's been three days and ever things the incident Harry doesn't even wanna know the older men. I mean who would blame him?

"Louis, please come with me some is here to see you!" Officer Tim says. Louis stands up giving a hybrid one more look before leaving the cell. He trots along with the officer down the hall and into a room to see Mr. Corden and Zayn waiting at the table for him.

"Officer you may leave the room!" Me Corden dismiss the officer. Louis sits down next to his mate and looks at his lawyer, "Alright Mr. Corden?"

James smilies, "Yes Louis I am doing fine but I got some news for you!"

"Spit out then!" Zayn and Louis speak. "So I got hold of the CTV footage and I was right it is the same gang and they have been doing it for years! I thought they only did it to hybrids but I guess they do it to anyone vulnerable. The boys will wait until night however they will tracker where their next victim is by watching them for a couple of weeks. I am surprised they haven't been caught before but now I am here all I need to do is get your five back into court show them the evidence and your flipping out of here!"

"No fuckin way!" Louis shouts, standing up hugging James. Zayn smirks, "yes way now you go and live happily ever after with you're Harry." Louis instantly lets go of James and slides back into his chair with a frown on his face.

"What's wrong Louis?" Mr. Corden asks. "It's just I hurt Harry a couple of days of go because of my fuckin temper and now he won't even look at me! I feel so guilty! My poor baby kitten was injured because of me!"

"Louis bearing in mind hybrids are quite sensitive people. Give him time to process what has happened because I can tell by the scratches on his cheek he feels just guilty and feels bad for doing it." Louis nodes at Zayn's advice, "Thank you."

James sits back with a smug look on his face, "well we have twenty minutes left why don't you tell me about this lover boy."

It is finally night time meaning its lights out. Harry however is now awake due to the fact he slept all day and only ate a little dinner by himself. He picks out his grey sweater bottoms, as his mind clouds with thoughts.

Will Louis ever forgive him?
Will, he ever gets out of this hell hole?
Does his sister wanna come to him?
How is the flower shop doing?
Are Louis and Harry going to get married?
Will they live happily ever after?

"Harry?" Louis calls out in a hushed tone. Harry ignores, slowly getting out of the bottom bunk and onto the top. "L-Louis?" The older lad opens his arms saying no words as Harry dives into his chest. "Louis Harry is sorry! He didn't mean to hurt! He was just scared."

"I know darling. It was all my fault. I could contain my angry and I hurt you and the guilt was eating me alive. All I wanted to do since then was hold you and shower you in affection but I didn't wanna make you uncomfortable or anything so I left you alone."

Harry shakes his head, curls all over the place as he cuddles close while his eyes drop slowly, "Love you Lou-Lou!"

"I love you too the princess and don't worry we will get our happily ever after."

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