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It's the morning, the birds chirping along with the officer's footsteps echoing through the hall waking up other inmates. Harry starts to wake up, he looks around trying to move but is trapped in a pair of strong arms.

The hybrid smiles and snuggles in Louis' chest, "Harry feels warm in Louis' arms!" Louis smirks, "Well baby I like when I can hold you in my arms because now," Louis lifts Harry's chin and pecked a kiss onto his plumped lips, "I can kiss you and you can't get away!"

Harry giggles, "come on Louis need to go and shower and eat food!" Louis smiles fondly at the boy before agreeing. Louis hops off first and Harry straight after. They both leave the cell and make their way to the showers.

Louis grabs them both clean grey hoodies and sweats while Harry grabs both of them a towel.

"Lou, can Harry come in with you?" the hybrid asks softly. Louis nodes, "of course darling! I thought you would never ask!"
The pair strip down and walks into the shower cubical. Louis turns on the nob at mid-temperature so it's not too cold and not too warm.

The older man grabs the bar of soap starts to wash himself as Harry just stands soaping in all of Louis' body. The water ran down his back with the white foamy substance. Louis' damp hair sprawled across his forehead. Although the little one is snapped out of his trance when the older one wipes the corner of the curly lad's lips. "You have a little bit of dribble," Louis smirks.

Harry blushes furiously, avoiding anywhere but Louis' eyes. Louis groans, "ugh how can you look so fucking beautiful and sexy at the same time!"
It's now breakfast time and all five of the lads are sitting at the table discussing random shit until Zayn brings up about getting out of the hell hole. "Guys I had a call of Mister Corden and he said will are all going on the trial in two days due to the fact he has loads of evidence."

Harry gaps, "That means Harry and Louis happily ever after like a princess and Prince!" Liam chuckles, "yes Haz we can all be free and live like a fairy tale!" Harry claps his hands, grabs the Doncaster's lad's face, and places a kiss all over his face. "Harry and Louis can live together! Harry can cook for Lou-Lou and look after him! Also, Harry and Louis can have a special time together!" Harry exclaims in excitement.

Zayn has smug look on his face, "Haz can you tell me what do you mean by you and Tommo's special time?" Liam chuckles as he watches Louis' face turn red. "Yes, Harry can! It's is when me and Louis touch each other private areas. Louis also puts his special area in-"
Lou's silence Harry with a kiss while the other three are laughing like it's no tomorrow. The blue-eyed boy pulls back, "alright darling that's enough now. I don't think Zayn needs to go know anymore because he should mind his own business."

Zayn rolls his eyes, "Oh shut up Lou! I only wanted to know if Harry is getting the wrath of your mini Tommo." Harry looks at Zayn dead in the eyes, "Harry does get plenty of Louis' mini Tommo!"

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