Chapter 8: Love, Secrets & Confessions.

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It was the next day and Barry heard that Kara and Jake got back together.

"Hey! I was looking all over for you. Are you going to Vanessa's party tonight? Kara asked. "Why didn't you tell me?" Barry asked. "Tell you what?" she questioned. "About Jake. About you two getting back together" he replied. "How did you hear about that?" she questioned. "Apparently a lot of people heard. But why wasn't I one of them?" he questioned. "I was going to tell you, Barry" she replied. "I just don't understand why you would get back together with him after why he did to you" Barry stated.

"You know, I thought you and I had a connection but clearly I was wrong" he said. Then he walked off. "Barry... don't go. Please let me explain!" she shouted. "But we do have a connection" she whispered. Barry was helping Vanessa set up her party. "Thanks for helping me set up" Vanessa said. "You don't need to thank me. It's a pleasure" he said. "You okay?" she asked. "About what?" he asked. "About, Kara and Jake getting back together" Vanessa replied.

"I'm fine. It's just, I thought we had a connection and after what he did. He hurt her!" he exclaimed. "I told you. You like Kara" she said. "Yeah well, that doesn't matter now" he complained. "Men. You haven't even tried" she said. "What do you mean?" he asked. "You're giving up before you even tried. So what if Jake's with Kara? You do track. Say if someone got ahead of you, you don't just stop and quit. You run faster so you can win the race" Vanessa said.

"So that's what you need. Keep running and keep fighting for her. Don't let Jake of all people stop you from telling her the truth" she said. "Yeah..." he agreed.

It was time for the party. Everyone was there. Kara and Barry. Kara decided to step outside. Vanessa followed her. "Hey, what you doing here? You're missing a great party in there" she said. "Sorry. I just needed a breather" Kara said. "So I heard you got back together with Jake. Is he here?" Vanessa asked. "No I didn't invite him. I wanted to invite someone else but I decided to come alone" Kara said. "You mean Barry?" Vanessa questioned. "Yeah, but he's so upset with me getting back with Jake, he won't even let me explain" Kara replied.

"Explain what?" Vanessa questioned. "The only reason I got back together with him was because he threatened and hurt everyone Barry cares about" Kara said. "Did he threaten you about anything else?" Vanessa hinted. "No" Kara said. "Kara, there's no reason to hide it. I know. That you're an alien" Vanessa said. "How do you know that?" Kara questioned. "Jake told me a while ago" Vanessa replied. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was afraid you would treat me differently if you knew" Kara said.

"Kara, you're my best friend. I would never see you or treat you differently. The same goes for Barry. Which is why I would think you should tell him about everything" Vanessa said. "You're right. Well, have a great party. I'm going home" Kara said. Kara went home and Vanessa headed towards Barry.

"Barry Allen you loveable idiot" she said. "What?" he asked. "Why won't you let Kara explain why she got back together with Jake. You're basically ignoring her! I thought I told you to keep going after her" Vanessa replied. "That's what I'm trying to do!" he exclaimed. "I've never liked a girl as much as Kara before. And I want to be the guy she deserves. She's perfect. She's smart, funny, kind and beautiful. It's stupid" he said. "It's not stupid. You love her and you would never hurt her" she said.

"Maybe" he said. "It's true. Which is why you need to get out of here and go after her. This is your chance" she said. "Yeah. You're right" he agreed.

Later that night, Kara and Alex were at home and sitting on the roof as they always would do. Alex noticed Kara was upset. "What's wrong? You've been staring into space for a while now" she said. "I'm back with Jake" Kara said. "I thought you liked Barry? So why are you dating Jake?" Alex questioned. "I do, but Jake threatened to hurt Barry if I didn't" Kara replied. "By doing what? Sticking his head in the toilet" Alex said. "Alex! This is serious! He knows what I am!" Kara exclaimed.

"Kara! How could you tell him! You're not supposed to tell anyone!" Alex shouted. "I never told him! He found out on his own" Kara said. "Kara if he knows, that puts you at risk" Alex warned. "I know that. What do I do?" Kara asked. "Nothing. You just need to be careful and safe around him. Now about his Barry dilemma. You should ask him to prom" Alex said. "You think so?" Kara asked. "Yeah! He likes you! Of course he will!" Alex exclaimed. Kara smiled.

The next day, Kara decided it's time to tell Barry. "Okay! This is it. This is your chance to tell Barry that you're an alien. I mean, what could go wrong? I mean, Barry's my best friend. It's not like Barry will treat me differently once I tell him. We won't stop being best friends because of this" Kara said to herself. "Okay, calm down. You're overthinking this. This is Barry I'm telling. Wow! I never noticed how cute he looked today. Okay focus! You got this! Go for it" she said. "Barry, can I ask you something?" she asked.

"Sure, what's up?" Barry asked. "I need to tell you something and I'm not exactly sure how you'll react" she replied. "You can tell me anything. What is it?" he asked. "Yeah I can. Barry I'm..." she started to say then stopped. "You're what?" he asked. "I am... going to class. See ya. No! Barry I wanted to know if you wanted to go prom with me?" she asked. "Prom? With you? Of course I would" he answered. "Really? Awesome! I'm looking forward to it" she excitedly said.

Alex was alone at medical school. Then a strange man approached her. "Can I help you?" she asked. "Doctor Danvers? My name is J'onn J'onzz. I am the director of the Department of Extorestial Operations. We have been watching you for a while now, since Kara landed on this planet. And we believe you're the right person we've been looking for" he said. "How do you know Kara is an alien?" Alex asked. "Becuase... Kara isn't the only alien on Earth" J'onn replied. J'onn's eyes turned red and transformed into his true form. A Green Martin. "Oh my God!" Alex shouted.

J'onn turned back into his human disguise. "Look. I made a promise to your father, Jeremiah I would protect you and Kara. And your talent is wasted at medical school. She may not seem like she needs protecting but she does. Working for the DEO ensures your sister's safety and others as well. Will you join the DEO?" J'onn asked.

It was the night of the prom. Barry arrived and saw Kara, who was wearing a nice black and gold dress. "Kara. Hi" he greeted. "Barry. You look handsome" she complimented. "Thanks. You look pretty" he said. "Thanks. Shall we?" she asked, hinting to dance. "We shall" he replied. Jake saw this and saw Thawne in the background. Thawne wanted answers.

"I thought you took care of those two?" Thawne questioned. "I did! I did what you asked!" Jake shouted. "Clearly you didn't do enough" Thawne said. "You know what? I'm done. I'm done working for you. Whatever you got planned you can do by yourself" Jake said. "Yes. You're right. You are finished" Thawne said. Thawne then vibrated his hand through Jake's chest and killed. "You are no longer needed" he said. Jake's dead body slumped to the ground.

Back inside, Barry and Kara were getting some punch. "You enjoying prom?" Barry asked. "I am" she replied. Then a slow song started playing and they saw others slow dancing. "Care to dance?" Kara asked. "Yes I would" he said. Barry put his arms on Kara's waitd and she put her arms on the back of Barry's neck. They slow danced for a little while. "Barry um, there's something I wanted to tell you" she said. "What is it?" Barry asked. "Um, I like you, Barry Allen. A lot" she replied. "I really like you too" he said. They kissed.

To be continued...

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