Chapter 9: Birth of a Hero: Supergirl.

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6 years later...

It has been 6 years since Barry and Kara graduated from high school. Kara got a job as a reporter for CatCo, and Barry was CSI at Central City PD.

Kara was quickly walking to work while speaking on the phone and carrying coffee. "Yes yes, I will remind Ms Grant to reschedule the meeting" Kara said. She bumped into someone. "Oh sorry" she apologised. Kara arrived at work. "Morning Kara, you're lucky Ms Grant hasn't arrived yet" Winn said. Winn Schott was a coworker at CatCo. "I know I know. Quiet, here she is" Kara said. "People I need in my office now. Where's my coffee, Kira?" Cat asked. "It's Kara" she corrected as she handed Cat her coffee.

"National City has become a city of boredom and full of non surprises. But, that's not going to stop me. I want you people as reporters to go out there and find a story. Go!" Cat shouted. "Hey Kara, I was wondering maybe if you wanted to get some drinks after work?" Winn asked. "I'm sorry, Winn but I can't. I'm seeing my sister off before her flight. Maybe some other time" Kara replied.

Kara went to her apartment where Alex was waiting. "I can't believe you're going" Kara whined. "I'll only be gone for a few days. I'll be back in no time" Alex said. "You're right. See ya, Alex" Kara said. "Goodbye Kara" Alex said. Alex left for her flight.

Meanwhile in Central City, Barry was looking forward for the turning on of the Particle Accelerator. Barry met up with his dad who was going with him. "You ready, son?" he asked. "I'm coming. Just sending the captain my report" Barry replied. Barry and Henry left for the Particle Accelerator. "Vanessa not coming?" Henry asked. "No, she said she's working but she's probably visiting Kara in National" Barry replied.

"Why didn't you and Kara become an item? I thought you liked her?" Henry questioned. "I did. We both liked each other but we went our separate ways. We tried to stay in touch but it didn't work out" Barry replied. "Shame. She was good. Your mom would've liked her" Henry said. "Maybe. We were kids and were probably scared of commitment or something" Barry said. "Look, I know what happened between you guys wasn't easy, but you guys had chemistry. Are you really gonna let that stand in the way of your friendship?" Henry asked. "I don't know. It's not that easy, dad. Kara and I went on different paths. That's probably what's been keeping us apart" Barry said.

Henry then looked at him. "I'm not a very good liar, am I?" Barry asked. "No, you're not" Henry replied. Barry the got a text. "Oh. My captain wants me go back. There's loads of paperwork he wants me to sort out" Barry said. "You serious? He can't get somebody else to do it?" Henry asked. "No. Doesn't look like it" Barry said.

Back in National City, Kara and Vanessa were out at a club. "You having fun?" Vanessa asked. "No. Not really. To be honest, I'm not in the mood" Kara replied. "You know, Barry's going to the Particle Accelerator in Central. You could visit him" Vanessa suggested. "Maybe. But we haven't seen each other in years. He's probably moved on" Kara said. "I doubt that" Vanessa said. Meanwhile Barry was in his lab, finishing up. He could hear lightning and something was happening on the news.

The lightning struck Barry. The blast flew him back into his chemicals he had. He was unconscious. There was something coursing through his veins. Kara saw this happening on the news. "There is something wrong with the Particle Accelerator. It has caused a massive power outage and many people are said to be injured" the news reporter said. "Oh my rao! Barry!" Kara shouted. Kara rushed outside and decided it's time to use her powers. She flew up into the air and said "Hold on, Barry. I'm coming".

Kara landed in Barry's lab and saw him on the ground. "Barry. Barry!" she shouted. Kara heard people coming in and flew away. She flew back to her apartment. Kara was watching the news, after what happened. "Oh my rao! I can't believe I did this. Vanessa was right. I can use my powers to help people, like my cousin. But I may need some help" she said.

The next day, Kara was in Cat's office. "Listen everyone, can someone tell me what other cities lack? Something that puts their news and their media to the next level. A hero, a protector of the city, a guardian angel. Central City has a hero. And now National City now has a new hero. With this new hero, the CCPN sales have sky rocketed. I want a hero who inspires others, I want a hero who can hope for us and believe in us when we don't believe in ourselves. Now somebody find me a hero and a story" Cat said.

Cat's words inspired Kara to become the hero National City needed. "National City needs a hero, we might need a little help" Kara said. "Meet me on the roof in five minutes" she told Winn. "The roof?" he questioned. Winn met Kara on the roof of CatCo. "Kara, why are we meeting in the roof?" Winn asked. "Okay, this is may sound crazy but um, that was me" she said. "What was you?" Winn questioned. "The one who helped when the Accelerator exploded" Kara replied. "That flash of fast lightning?" he asked. "What? No no I have no idea what that was. But I am the woman who flew high and saved everyone!" she exclaimed.

"Okay, how much did you drink last night?" Winn asked. "Okay, don't believe me. But this will make you believe me" she said while walking to the edge. "Kara, I wouldn't get too close to the edge" Winn cautioned. Kara fell off. "Kara!" Winn shouted. He then saw Kara fly up and land back on the roof. "Oh my God! You are her!" he exclaimed. "Okay. Meet me at my place after work, cause I will need your help" she said.

Back in Central City, Barry was in the hospital. Henry was sitting next to him. Tearful. Then an old friend came in. "Henry. I am so sorry" they said. "Wells? Thanks for coming. I don't know what to do" Henry said. "I think I know a way we can help him. I know that you have powers and used them last night, but that doesn't matter. These doctors here, can't help him" Wells said. "Fine. Okay. Help my son" Henry desperately pleaded.

Kara and Winn were at her apartment, figuring out how to help National City. "Winn! I am not wearing this while saving people" Kara sternly said. "Oh come on, it's not that bad" he said. "Let's try again" she said. "National for once is quiet. Should I look up crime in Central?" he asked. "No no. National is my city. We just need to be patient" Kara said. "Okay, what do you think?" she asked. "Good. But we can do better. Oh, by the way..." Winn hinted at her glasses.

"Okay. I think this is a perfect fit" Kara said. Kara came out with the perfect suit. "What does the S stand for?" Winn asked. "It's not an S. It stands for the House of El" Kara replied. "Oh, we got a bank robbery!" Winn exclaimed. Kara flew to the bank robbery. Kara stopped the gun being swung in her face and punched the robbers. There was a reporter and a cameraman who ran over. "Excuse me, who are you?" the reporter asked. She didn't say anything and flew away. "Okay okay, that was good. But this is only the start" Winn said.

That night, Kara went to see Barry at Star Labs. "Wow. For once in my life, I haven't got anything to say. I mean, here we are after all these years. I never thought the day would come. I didn't expect it to come this way either. You being hit by lightning and me waiting for you to wake up. And somehow I fell this is my fault. I should've left sooner. I should've been faster. I could've saved you. I failed to protect you. I'm so sorry, Barry. I really am" she said.

She spent the night by Barry's side and didn't leave until the next morning.

The new hero of National City has been all over the news. "Kira! Office, now" Cat said. "National City has a new protector. She may not have given her nam yesterday, but I need to name this hero. Supergirl. Yes. Perfect" Cat said. "Maybe she hasn't decided on a name yet" Kara suggested. "Probably not. But Supergirl is the perfect name" Cat argued.

Later that day, Kara was flying in her new suit. And people has started to call her Supergirl and the name was starting to stick to her. She then got hit by something. "Ow! Oh no. Kryptonite" she said weakly. She dropped to the ground and went unconscious.

To be continued...

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