Chapter 11: CADMUS (Finale).

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A few months has gone and Barry and Kara were in a relationship. And the Flash and Supergirl were becoming great heroes of their respective cities. But a new evil is coming. Will Kara and Barry be prepared?

It has been a few weeks and National City has been plagued with robbers with alien technology. Supergirl has been having some trouble dealing with this problem. They had a idea who was supplying these weapons. An anti alien organisation called CADMUS. And Lillian Luthor was the leader.

Supergirl got a location on Lillian's location. "I'll call Barry" Alex said. "No need. I'll handle this" Kara said. Kara then flew off before Alex could try and stop her. "Supergirl! Ahhh!" Alex shouted in frustration. "I'm here" Kara said. "Ow. Oh rao. Kryptonite" she said, then she dropped to the ground. "Kara! Kara! Can you hear me!?" Alex shouted. "Get Barry on the phone! Now!" J'onn demanded. Barry got the call and headed to Kara's last location.

The Flash arrived at an abandoned warehouse. "Okay, I'm here. I don't see Kara anywhere" he said. Barry was then knocked out unconscious from behind. He woke and found himself in a cage, and saw Kara in another next to him. "Barry. Barry, you okay?" she asked. "I think so. Where are we?" he asked. "I don't know. How did you find me?" she asked. "The necklace I gave you. Along with your anti kryptonite suit, it has a tracker in case of emergancies" he replied.

"Normally I would be mad, but I'll forgive you in this situation" she said. Then Lillian came in and said "Can you two keep it down. Talking isn't gonna save you". "Who are you?" Barry asked. "Lillian Luthor. Leader of CADMUS" Kara said. "Kara Danvers, always the charmer" Lillian said. "You know who she is?" Barry questioned. "Yes. I've known for a long time and you, Flash are just what I need to complete my plan" Lillian replied. "You leave him out of this, Luthor!" Kara exclaimed.

"Yes. You kryptonions and your over inflated egos. You always think everything is about you" Lillian said. "Why are we here then?" Kara questioned. "Because like I said, I want you, Flash. Your speed, more specifically" replied Lillian. "Stay the hell away from him!" Kara threatened. "Have I struck a nerve, Supergirl?" Lillian asked. "It's fine. Don't worry" Barry said. "She'll kill you, Barry" warned Kara. "No she won't. She'll need me alive if she wants my speed" Barry said. "You're smart, Flash. But just because I have to keep you alive doesn't mean I have do the same for your friend" Lillian said.

"Hurt her and I won't cooperate!" Barry exclaimed. "It's funny how you think you have a say in this" Lillian said. "What are you talking about?" Kara asked. "You'll make for great leverage, Supergirl. Now, say your final words while I'm gone. But don't worry, I'll be back" Lillian said, then she left. "Barry, can you promise me something?" Kara asked. "Anything" he replied. "If I don't make it, tell Alex I love her and that I wasn't scared" Kara said. "Kara, stop saying things like that, you're not dying" he said.

"You don't know that. I just need them to know that you'll tell them" she said. "I'm not telling them anything" he argued. "Barry-" she said, then Barry interrupted her. "I love you too much to let you die at my expense" he said. "You love me?" she questioned. "With every cell in my body" he said. "Barry, I-" she said. Then Lillian shot Barry with something which knocked him unconscious. "Barry!" Kara shouted. "Good. The dimethymercury worked" Lillian said. "Wht did you do to him?" Kara angrily questioned. "Why would I tell you that?" Lillian said.

"Round him up, gentlemen before the substance overtakes his system. We have thirty minutes" Lillian said. "And as for you, Supergirl..." she said. She then shot Kara with a kryptonite bullet which knocked her down. "Wow. These bullets sure do come in handy" she commented. Kara woke up at the DEO and felt groggy. "Woah woah, slow down Kara. You got shot with kryptonite. Take it easy" Alex said. "What happened? Where's Barry?" Kara asked.

J'onn and Henry rescued you guys from the warehouse a few hours ago. "What happened to Barry?" Kara asked. "He was poisoned. I don't know how to treat him properly until I figure out which one she used. He's in there" Alex said. Kara went into the med bay and saw Barry. A few hours went by and Kara was outside. J'onn came up to her.

"You doing okay?" he asked. "I'm fine. Just collecting my thoughts. Does it get any easier watching someone you love in great pain?" Kara asked. "Seeing them hurting only makes you love them more once they're better. The only thing that makes it easier is your own self-awareness. You learn not to blame yourself" J'onn replied. "I'm not blaming myself for what happened to Barry" Kara denied. "You say that, but you kinda are" he said. "Stop beating yourself up. It never does anyone any good" he said. "Kara! He's awake" Alx said. Kara rushed to Barry's side.

"Thank rao you're okay" she said. "I'm fine. It's just, I'm sorry I couldn't save you" he said. "Why are you apologising? You did save me. If you hadn't, I'd probably be dead" she said. "You almost died anyway, Kara. I overheard them talking about how you were shot. It's my fault" he said. "How is any of this your fault?" she questioned. "They wanted me. They wanted my speed and you got caught up in it" he replied. "Barry stop. I didn't get dragged alone. We're a team now. Wherever you go I follow you" she said. "It's just, I can't stand the thought of losing you" he said.

"You're not losing me. Not today. Not anytime soon" she said. "You know I love you right?" he asked. "I know. I love you too" she said. A few days has gone by and the DEO and Star Labs have been working together to stop CADMUS. They called in reinforcements. Also known as Superman. "Superman. Pleasure. Wish we were meeting under better circumstances" J'onn said. "Me too. What's the plan to stop CADMUS?" Superman asked. "Well, we've mostly stopped of CADMUS' known hideouts and some of their operations have ceased. Her options are running low. But now, we know where she is" J'onn said.

"How are we doing this?" Supergirl asked. "I'm going in, alone, because she has my speed and I need it back" Barry replied. "You're not going in alone" Kara argued. "He won't. I'll pretend to be a guard for CADMUS and pretend I've captured him. When I give the signal, you and Superman will swoop in as backup" J'onn said. "Okay. Let's do this" Kara said. J'onn transformed into a guard for CADMUS and the Flash was in unlocked cuffs.

"Hey boss, look who I found!" J'onn exclaimed. "My my, Flash. Back for more are we?" Lillian asked. "I've come for my speed. What did you with it? I'm curious" Barry said. "Well if you must know, we've used your speed to power our most powerful weapon yet. This piece of technology will shoot a powerful current of electricity, killing whoever it strikes" Lillian said. "How did you capture the Flash? He would've knocked you out in the blink of an eye" Lillian said.

"Yeah he would've" Barry said. J'onn turned into his green martian form and gave the signal. Superman and Supergirl arrived. Barry went after Lillian. "Okay Flash, now you're at deaths door" Lillian said. Lillian powered up the weapon and blasted it at Barry. Barry was taking the hit. Using a piece of tech Wells designed he was absorbing all the electricity. "Ahhh!" he screamed. The machine exploded and the blast blew Lillian back. "Barry!" Kara shouted. "Barry. Barry, you okay?" she asked.

Barry groaned in pain. "Ow! That hurt!" he exclaimed. Superman had Lillian in cuffs. She was arrested and taken to prison.

The next day, the Flash and Supergirl were all over the news. "Lillian Luthor, the head of the anti alien organisation CADMUS, has been arrested and the streets of National City are safe once again" the reporter said. Barry and Kara were on the roof of CatCo.

"Once again, the streets are safe and I thanks you Flash. I love you, Barry Allen" Kara said. "I love you too, Kara Danvers" Barry said. They kissed. They heard sirens. "That's my cue. See ya" Kara said. "Barry! There's a metal human in Central. Hurry!" Wells exclaimed. Barry rushed back to Central City.

This is end of my story. Hope you guys enjoyed it.

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