Chapter 16 - Rangers Ready!

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"I believe it's time we finally morph." Jason said, stretching and getting ready to morph. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Yeah, it's been ages since we used those powers." Adam told them.

"Guys, we can reminisce later, because right now, it morphing time." Tommy tells them, with a smirk.

"Everybody, this is the moment you have been waiting for. This morphing sequence will give us 2-3 weeks at best to get ready for Drakkon's scouting forces and then a week more before the final battle begins." Tommy told them. "When Drakkon comes, we will make him pay, plus ultra-style. So, Ranger Ready!" Tommy shouts.

"Ready!" The students respond.

"It's Morphing Time!" He shouted. As the students initiated their morphing sequence.

"Mastodon." "Sabertooth Tiger." Triceratops." "Pterodactyl." "Tyrannosaurus." Mirio's team shouted.

"Red ranger power/ Blue Ranger power/ Black Ranger power/ Pink ranger power/ Yellow ranger power!" Kenshi and his team shouted.

"Zeo Ranger 4: Green." Adam.

"Zeo Ranger 5: Red." Tommy.

"Gold Zeo Power." Jason.

"Go! Galactic!" Monoma and his team.

"Time For Time Force!" Momo and her team.

"Wild Access." Tetsutetsu and his team

"Ninja Storm, Ranger Form." "Thunderstorm Ranger Form!" "Samurai Storm Ranger Form!" Iida and his team along with Cam.

"Dino Thunder Power up. HA." Kira.

"SPD Emergency." Jack and Sky.

"Magical Source! Mystic Force." Izuku, Nick and the mystic rangers. "Galwit Mysto Ranger!" The mystic morphers chime.

"Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleashed." Kirishima and the RPM Rangers.

"RPM, Get In Gear!" Inasa and his team.

"Samuraizer, Go Go Samurai!" Todoroki and his team.

"Dino chargers, Ready! Brave IN!" Katsuki and his team along with Kendall and Heckyl shout as they put the Dino Chargers into their Morpher-Blasters. "Gaburincho: Gabutyra/ Dricera/ Parasagun/ Stegochi/ Zakutor/ Plezuon/ Tobaspino!"

'That was new, the morph blasters never did that before.' Kendall and Heckyl think to themselves.

[Note – Just for Dino charge, I will be using the morphing sequence from the Super Sentai counterpart since to me it's cooler than the Neo-Saban one. It's a personal choice. Aside from this, the Zords will also have their Japanese names so Tyranno is Gabutyra, Stego is Stegochi, Tricera is Dricera, Parasaurolophus is Parasagun, Raptor is Zakutor, Plesiosaurus is Plezuon and Spino is Tobaspino. Additionally, for future reference, Ankylo is Ankydon, Pachy is Bunpachy, Titano is Bragigas and Ptera is Pteragordon. And for those who didn't know the names of the zords, the Stego-Tricera is called Samba formation, the Para-Raptor is called the Western formation, Ankylo-Pachy is called the Kung-Fu formation, Ankylo-Tricera formation is called Macho formation. Then you have Spindai-Oh aka the Spino charge Megazord, Ptera Megazord is called Pteraiden-Oh, Titano Megazord is Gigant Bragi-Oh, Plezio Charge Megazord is called Plezu-Oh and the Dino Charge Ultra Zord is called Gigant Kyoryuzin.]

"Overdrive Accelerate." Endeavour and the Overdrive rangers.

"Let's Rock it!" Andros and the rest of the new space rangers. "3. 3. 5. Mega. Mega." Their morphers chime.

[For those who are wondering how the students and heroes know what to do, well for one, they were taught the morphing phrases, and two, the rangers almost always seem to know what to say for the sequence so......]

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