Chapter 28 - Battle For Earth Begins

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"Rangers! Hold your ground!" Tommy says as he clashes with the first wave of enemies, cutting through them with ease.

The groups clash with the ranger teams quickly getting separated by the various monster factions that the original rangers had once faced. The putties, and the tenga warriors attacked the Mighty Morphin teams, the cogs attacked the Zeo rangers, you get the point. Each ranger team had their own group of henchmen and monsters to deal with.

The students/rangers breezed through the henchmen without the need to morph, using their quirks to destroy them.

"POWER!!!" Mirio exclaims as he punches a putty into another, breaking them.

"Nejire Wave: Pike!" Nejire exclaims as she uses her spiral energy to pierce through multiple putties.

"VAST HYBRID! SCORPIUS TOXIN!!" Tamaki exclaims as he pierces through multiple putties with scorpion tails that sprouted from his body.

"Roaring Rage!!" Shishida exclaims as he rages through multiple enemies, punching and destroying them.

"Jumbo Fist! Hurricane!" Kendo exclaims as she slaps multiple cogs, breaking them while simultaneously creating a small hurricane that pulled other cogs in. "Monoma!"

"Already on it!" Monoma exclaims as he shoots out scales from his hands, destroying the airborne Cogs.

"These rangers..." Ranger Slayer mutters. "Commanders!!! Send in the second wave!! I want all your monsters out there!!"

The Commanders, the supposed main antagonists for each ranger team, turned to their troops, sending out their strongest. Multiple villains stormed the battlegrounds, heading for the rangers.

"RANGERS!!" Jason yells as he leaps back from the first monster of the pack. "IT'S MORPHIN' TIME!!!"

The students all morphed simultaneously, taking out multiple sentries and monster henchmen in the process.

"Dragon Zord! Green Ranger!" Tommy exclaims as he morphs into the Green MMPR Ranger. "Destroy them. We don't have time to waste with these monsters." Tommy says, rushing towards Mirio's team. "Mirio! Take the shield!"

"Got it!" Mirio exclaims. "Armoured Red Ranger!!" He exclaims as the Dragon shield is transferred to him.

"Dino Thunder! Power Up! HA!" Tommy exclaims, transferring to the Black Dino Thunder Ranger.

"POWER BLASTER!!" The Two MMPR teams exclaim as they turn the monsters in front of them to smithereens.

"WAVE STRIKE!!" Tommy exclaims, sending a massive wave that crashes into the monsters and sentries.

"Once more!!" Asui exclaims, rushing in as the Shark Jungle Fury Ranger. "I'm stronger underwater!"

"Count me in too!!" Ojiro exclaims as he slashes a few monsters with his fighting fins.

"Got it!!" Tommy exclaims as he repeats the attack, directing the flow of water to engulf multiple. Asui and Ojiro leap into the wave, swimming through it, slashing the monsters that were trapped inside.

"How are they so strong!!!" Ranger Slayer exclaims as she watches the henchmen and the second in commands of the monsters getting destroyed.

"Would Lord Drakkon mind if we joined the fray?" Mesogog asks her.

Ranger Slayer smirks. "Now you're talking smart things Mesogog." She responds. "Commanders... let's join the rangers for a round, shall we?"

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