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Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Venus and Thea sat at the Hufflepuff table for breakfast like they always did waiting for Rosie to get out of bed and join them. Though this time, she had a little minion by her side.

"Quit following me, Seb." Rosie told the young boy again as she took a seat across from Venus.

"But I don't know anyone else in Slytherin. They're all scary." Sebastian told the group with a pitiful look on his face. Venus grabbed the boys green and silver tie and guided him to take a seat next to her, remembering how scary it was to have no one to sit by as a first year. Hanna and Michael weren't very fond of sitting with their younger sister at the time.

"We arent all scary. I'm not scary, am I?" Rosie asked, trying to give the child the spookiest grin she could muster, but he had been used to it from the years she would come over to the house.

"At least I'm used to you! I hate being a Slytherin." Sebastian muttered sadly, picking up a roll from the table and exiting the Great Hall.

Venus stared off at her youger brother sadly, getting up from the table to go speak to him when Rosie stopped her. "Ill speak to him, if thats alright. I know the hatred for Slytherin all too well." Venus nodded in reply, thanking her friend for the gesture, knowing it would mean a lot to the young boy.

"I think it's quite fitting that Seb is in Slytherin." Thea spoke up, using her fork to push around the food on her plate rather than eat it. When Venus shot her a puzzled glance, she explained. "Think about it. There are four Legna siblings, and there are four Hogwarts Houses. Hanna is a Gryffindor, Michael is a Ravenclaw, you're in Hufflepuff and now Seb is in Slytherin. You all make up Hogwarts as a whole. Its quite nice actually. Its like each of you capture an essence that makes up our ideal of what Home is."

For the first time in over a year, Venus had seen that familiar spark in the girl's eye. Back before she started to change. It wasn't that Venus wasnt happy for Thea, but that spark- that fire- that lit up when Thea started talking about something that interested her seemed to have gone out. Needless to say, Venus was thankful to know that her best friend wasnt truly gone. No matter how much she changed.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Thea asked when she saw the disturbingly large smile on her friend's face.

"That was just oddly profound of you. It's nice to see that not all of the old you is lost." Venus smiled warmly, throwing an arm around her close friend, pulling her into a side hug.

Thea blushed at her words, and stayed quiet with a small smile tugging on her lips as she took the time to really question who she was, and who she wanted to be.

Venus sat herself down in the library that evening like she always did. All of her assignments were already done, so she walked along an aisle to try and find something interesting to read.

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