holiday hoorah

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Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Venus packed up her suitcase for Christmas break. It was always a bittersweet moment, having to leave her home, but at least she got to see her family. She would even be working at the Leaky Cauldron over break with her father, so that was another thing to look forward to.

Aurora popped out from her spot in the windowsill, and landed on her suitcase with a thump. She stretched her limbs and yawned, having to wake up before the long adventure home.

Thea was staying at Hogwarts this year, as her mother was crammed with work, and it wasn't really worth it considering she lives a short carriage ride from the school. Venus didn't know Clare's plans, as the two haven't really spoken all that much recently. The girl tossed her book bag over her shoulders and grabbed her trunk off her bed. Aurora growled at the quick change in her position, but quickly got over it.

She walked through the entryway of the Hufflepuff Common room, and began her walk to the front of the castle. She had already said her goodbyes to Thea, so she met up with Rosie and walked to where all the carriages were.

Aurora rubbed her face against Rosie's legs, and the Slytherin girl lightly pat the top her head. "This thing terrifies me." She said, forcing a smile as Aurora's eyes flashed red briefly. "Ok, sorry! You're very... cute." Venus stifled a laugh as the grigglypuff went back to laying on the floor of the carriage.

"Do you think you're going to stay at your brother's house over break?" She asked her friend.

"Eh, I'm not really sure at the moment. He always has his girlfriend over and they are so annoying." Rosie rolled her eyes. She lived alone with her father, and her older brother rarely visited. Rosie usually brushed it off, but the girls knew she missed her brother. "Are you still going to work with your dad at the Leaky Cauldron?" She asked.

The girl nodded with a wide grin on her face. "I've been looking forward to it for ages. I haven't been able to see him much lately, and i barely got mum to agree to it."

The friends stepped off the carriage and unto the Hogwarts Express, all the while continuing their conversation. Aurora refused to come out of her cage, and Venus was not in the mood to try and fight her, so she left her pet alone.

"Ew, it's the women." Sirius Black exclaimed as he walked through the glass door.

"Yay, it's the women!" Peter exclaimed too, as he squished himself between Rosie and Venus, and stole some of their licorice wands.

"You love us, Sirius, don't lie." Venus giggled, poking fun at the Gryffindor boy.

"I'm Sirius Black, i dont love anyone. Except for this brown haired cutie, isn't that right. Rem- Rem!" He obnoxiously squeezed the boys face, causing Remus to blush a bright red and furiously swat his hands away. Venus couldn't help but giggle at the sight of a flustered Remus.

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