helpful hufflepuff

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Chapter One

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Chapter One

When thinking of Venus Legna, it was hard to think of anything less than a pink fluffy bunny.

While Venus hated stereotypes, she couldn't help but fall right into the Helpful Hufflepuff stereotype. If Venus wasn't spending her free time helping teachers plan lessons, or younger students practice spells, she was in the library, studying about all the animals she wanted to help once she got the chance.

Her dad and mum were wizards, but they split up, and now Venus, Hanna, Mike and Seb spent every summer with their mum and step dad, Graham.

Hanna was the type of Gryffindor that hung out with boys all the time. She was going into her seventh year, and was undoubtedly the hottest girl in her year.

Mike was the Ravenclaw quidditch team. He was the best Keeper they had had in years. He was only a year older than Venus, going into his fifth year.

Sebastian was only ten, so he wasn't in Hogwarts yet, but all he talked about was quidditch and getting into Hufflepuff. He always adored his sisters great attitude.

Graham was a muggle, one who wasn't very open minded about anything magical. Ana, their mum, fell madly in love very quickly. So quickly, that if Graham wasn't a muggle, Venus would have thought he put her under a love potion.

Every year, their father, Charles, would take the three kids to Diagon Alley to shop for their school supplies. Over the years, the two older kids learned it was better to shop on their own, as Venus spent half the trip helping store owners when they were short handed. It warmed Venus's heart to see the look on someone's face when she offered them help.

"Come on, sweetie." Her dad had to drag her out of the pet store before she offered to clean all of their cages.

"I know it annoys you when I take so much time in the stores, but you should see their faces, dad. They're so grateful." Fourteen year old Venus kicked a pebble with her green shoes.

"I'm not annoyed. I just wish you wouldn't do it for free I mean, this book alone costs two galleons." Charles laughed, tossing the book back in the cauldron.

Venus loved being in groups of people. Watching everyone push past each other in search of the right store. Every one there had their own life story. A new experience everyday that Venus would never know about.

It was fun to think about, but she had to go get the rest of her materials, leaving her thoughts behind her.

Charles had promised to give the children ice cream after they finished shopping, and Venus made sure to get an extra chocolaty one for Sebastian.

Hanna and Mike came into Venus's room and held out a box for her, with giddy smiles on their faces.

"What's this?" She asked them, putting her how to care for a fwooper book away.

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