Authors Note

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(you can skip this if you want but please read if you can)

Dont fret! this is not an update announcing a discontinuation! i just have a few things to say, and only a few people follow me so not a lot of people get my announcements.

if you dont know me, im melon :)

theres a few things i need you all to know going forward in this book.

• school and band just started back up again, so thats why my updates have been super slowed down. in order to keep me and my family safe, im doing virtual classes this semester, and its very hard adjusting to this so please just give me some time to situate myself and then updates should continue.

• ive been kind of depressed lately, but dont worry, its completely normal to have bad days, especially if you have depression. which i do. i havent found any inspiration to write, and any time i do i absolutely hate what i create. im trying my best to create good content for you and myself.

• if my grammar and capitalization is terrible in this book from this point forward, its because i turned off my auto- cap and auto- replace because it was getting on my nerves :)

• maybe drop a follow if you want to be kept updated on my crappy updating style.

• i keep telling myself , "okay, write a chapter and release it when you hit xxx reads" and then the next day ill wake up and already be past it. dude, you guys are amazing! it makes me feel bad for not updating. i was gonna upload a chapter when i hit 4k reads on this but im at 5k and im not done with it yet :/
*update: im at 7k reads now and still haven't updated, rip.

• once again, my dm's are always open if you want to talk :) thank you all for your support! every vote and comment lights up my day so much. especially comments because i get to reply to you and see things from the readers perspective. i love when you guys give me feedback on my writing.

* update, its been over two years since i made this authors note, oh boy so much has changed. 600k reads later by god. anyways im 18 now and in college so yeah i know this story is straight ass and i dont know why people continue to read it but by all means if you enjoy this story and find happiness while reading it then im glad its found you. hopefully soon ill be more active with writing so maybe this is my comeback era.

thank you all for reading and ill see you as soon as possible :)

- melon

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